11 • zombie

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a/n: okay okAY i learned my lesson last chap so ig i will not be apologizing for the length of this one lel also look at me double updating r u proud pls say ur proud

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It feels like little construction people have taken residence inside my head and have decided to pound my head with hammers. Repeatedly.

And here I was thinking Jeongguk was the worst headache I've had.

A downright juxtaposition to my shivering form, my sheets are soaked with sweat and stick to my skin. My throat feels like it's been rubbed raw with sandpaper and constricts painfully as a cough tears it's way out of my mouth. The dwindling time before we have to leave for school should be motivation enough, but even that can't trump my desire to starfish in my bed all day and sleep off this torture.

But while I hate being sick, I hate missing school more.

With robotic movements I force myself to get ready, hobbling around my room on my one good foot as I give myself directions — Now you have to brush your teeth, Taehee. Now you have to get dressed, Taehee. Now you have to help Jeongguk, Taehee.

Three of the four boys are already up by the time I manage to drag myself into the kitchen. Iseul is hard at work at his uncompleted homework, Chul's munching happily on breakfast and Jeongguk hums quietly to himself as he puts together lunches for the kids.

The eldest glances away from the lunch boxes and over at me as I fold my arms on the counter and rest my throbbing head in my hands. Though it feels much better than yesterday, I keep injured foot off the ground and popped up behind me.

"How's the ankle?"

I tilt my head so that my cheek now rests against my wrists and I stare up at a slanted Jeongguk. He slides a glass of water across the counter along with a small oblong pill.

I grimace as a sort of thanks before palming the pill and chasing it down with a mouthful of water. I cringe almost immediately afterwards. Water always seems to taste worse when I'm sick.

"Ugly and swollen," I finally croak out.

"Just like you," Iseul pipes, his eyes never straying from the flurry of pages that surrounds him. Jeongguk snickers.

I narrow my eyes at the younger while he, still not looking up, sticks his tongue out to mock me. I'm just about to bow my head in defeat when my gaze trails off to take in the trembling figure that stands behind him.

Sejun looks pale as a sheet, almost as if he's just seen a ghost. His brow glistens with sweat, long locks knotted in tangles that I know he would have never allowed to happen unless things were dire.

"Hey, buddy," Jeongguk says, notes of tender concern coating his voice as he stops what he's doing and quickly approaches the boy. He crouches before him, swiping away the tears that have started leaking down his cheeks. "Are you okay? You don't look so good."

"I don't feel so good, either," Sejun mumbles, lips wobbling.

And then he promptly keels over and vomits all over Jeongguk's shoes.

It's silent a beat.

Chaos erupts in the kitchen.

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