16 • space/rocket ship

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Hastily untangling myself from the mess of blankets, I rise shakily to my feet -- only to sit down almost immediately after. It takes a moment for the dizzy spell to pass, freeing me from it's fuzzy clutches and granting me movement once more, and once it does, I stumble my way into the ensuite bathroom.

Jeongguk's long gone now, anyways.

The bathroom tiles are cold on my bare feet. They send sheets of ice up my spine. Hurrying to brush last night out of my teeth, I allow myself a couple of minutes to compose myself and sort out what I want to say. It shouldn't be that hard. He'll understand. He'll forgive me. He understood me and forgave me last night.

Last night.

A strange tingling sensation passes through me as the memories, though broken and misplaced, replay themselves in my head. I can almost hear the pain in his confession and the smiles tucked into his whispered words; feel his hands in mine and his comforting touches; see the way the barriers between us - hardened through time and pride - had slowly, tentatively, been broken down one by one until we were finally open and true and honest.

Well, almost honest.

But none of that matters now.

My stomach twists - with bile or nerves, I'm not sure. Shaking my head, I throw on an old pair of sweats under Jeongguk's T-shirt. It fits loose and large but it smells like him, so I keep it on.

Using the walls for support, I practically drag myself down the decorated hallways. I'm sure if anyone were to see me they'd think I'd just risen from the dead. Or that I'm seconds from my death bed. Any of the two would be accurate.

Jeongguk's closed door stands tall and menacing before me, shrinking my size. Of course, there's always the chance he won't open it. He could very much shut me out just as I did, and I'd have no one to blame but myself. I bite my lip at the thought.

You're being ridiculous.

Swallowing my jitters, I hesitate once, twice, thrice, before softly knocking on the door. Then I step back and wait.

No answer.

I knock again.

No answer.

I knock a third time before tentatively pressing my ear to the door. The room within is alive with muffled shuffling, papers shifting and pacing footsteps. There's no evidence that they're trying to keep quiet.

So he's ignoring me.

I have no reason to be mad - to be honest, if I was in his position I'd do the same. I'd shut me out, too.

Except I'm not in his position.

A fierce sense of indignation shoots through my veins, propelling me to pull back and knock on his door again - harder, faster, more insistent because he will hear me and he will open the door and his nor my pride will get in the way of me losing him again and -

The door is suddenly wrenched wide and I have to grab the door to keep from falling flat on my face. Though he flinches, Jeongguk makes no move to catch me. Standing a head taller than me, he easily looks down on me, liquid fury blazing in his coal eyes.

"Oh," I breathe, taking a quick step back. "Uh, hello. Hi."

He says nothing, presumably waiting for me to proceed.

"Um, do you have a second?"

"That's all I have."

I recoil at the bite in his tone. "Oh, okay. Well, uh, I just wanted to say that I... I'm sorry, really, and that I, uh-"

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