chapter 1

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Jaecy's pov:
"babe wake up, i got to go before you brother comes to get you out of bed" i heard a panic voice scrambing next to me. i sighed rolling out of bed, opening the window for my boyfriend. "you know dating you would be a lot eaiser if your brother wasn't such a dick" Jaemin said hugging me. "i know baby i'm sorry, hopefully soon popularity won't matter to him and we can be public" i said kissing him goodbye. He grabbed his bakpack and climbed out the window, and he blew me a kiss goodbye. i caught and quickly got dressed for school before my brother barged in. "yo sis time for school, also who were you talking to this morning?" he asked on the other side of the door. "oh you Namjoon" i said closing my eyes hoping my lie would work. "Oh um okay well, i'll meet you in the car" he voice faing down the stairs. i sighed grabbing my shoes and meeting him downstairs. I hope eventually i wouldn't have to lie anymore i thought laying my head on the car window as we drove to school.

As i walked in the school everyone approached my brother and i. you know being popular wasn't always a good thing. especially if your brother is the reason you get attention. I didn't understand what was so special about him, he isn't even cute. Its kinda gross if you ask me. I slowly snook off to my locker as the females kept piling in to gush over my stupid brother. I rolled my eyes as some dumb girl fell in front of me. "hey wat-" i was cut off when the cocky bad boy laughed at the girl lying on the floor. "oops sorry nerd, watch where you're going next time. i felt bad but continued to walk away, it was none of my buisness. It wasn't my problem she let people walk all over her. i grabbed my books out of my locker heading to class.

Mina's pov:
"yeah i'll meet you in class in a sec lix, i havet to grab my math books" i said heaing tomy locker. i looked around making sure a certain someone wasn't coming to push me around again. i smiled as i grabbed my books safely heading to clas-. my thought were cut short as i bumped into someones back. "oh hey nerd, did you finish my homework like i asked" he said looking down on me. "f'felix said i didn't have to" i stuttered. he scoffed and swatted my books out of my hand. i bent down to get them making eye contact with jinyoung's sister. she always ignored the people who were being picked, i was pretty use to never being helped. "hey douche bag leave my vets friend alone" i heard a fimiliar austrialian accen yell. He helped me get my books and held my hand. "you're felix, ah listen i dont care wh you are, she's my businnes not yours." He said cockily. "she listens to me, and when i ask for it she'll do it" He spoke as he walked closer to me. "isn't that right doll?" he asked holding my chin up by his fingers. i nodded and he smiled patting my head. "thats my good girl, now hand it over" he said holding out his hand. felix tried to stop me but i just shook my head handing him the math homewrk from last night. His friends laughed and he kised my cheek. "thanks baby girl" he said winking as he walked away. i rolled my eyes wiping my cheek and grabbing felix's hands. "god damnit min i told you not to do it and you di-' i cut him off stopping in our tracks. "please i know you're trying to help, but you helping is making it worst, i love you but this is something i must deal with on my own" i said holing his hand. He sighed and we walked into class before the bell rung. i sat down next to my felix relaxing knowing haechan isn't in this class. This was my only time to relax because every period after this he was in.

Authors note: hope you enjoyed the first chapter, sorry it was so short the next chapter should be longer.

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