chapter 7(another short chapter)

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Back to mina and haechan

Mina’s pov:

My eyes slowly began to open I was laying on a bed in a dark place next to a chimney. “Wh-where am I?” I asked myself confused. “Oh you’re awake, we are at my secret hideout until I figure out how to find the others.” a familiar voice said. My eyes widened when I realized it was the kid who seemed to hate me the most. “Yo-you why did you save me you could have gone with the others” I yelled worried. He chuckled and starting cleaning the blood off my arm with a warm rag. “No one should ever be left behind Mina, I may be a dick most of the time but I’m not heartless,” he said seriously. I scoffed and shook my head. Sure. I got up and looked outside to feel the breeze. I closed my eyes praying id find my best friends before it was too late. I heard a crackling noise and quickly opened my eyes backing up slowly and bumping into someone. I almost screamed when my mouth was covered and I was dragged inside. I looked up to see haechan covering my mouth and the tightest room possible. He looked down at me and used his other hand to signal me to be quiet. I nodded closing my eyes and hiding my face in his chest. My breathing started quickening when I heard people talking and looking around. “Mina please stop breathing like that they will hear us” he whispered. Tears filled my eyes I was scared i was, was I having a panic attack? I couldn’t breathe anymore my eyes filling with tears, I couldn’t even think. I heard haechan calling my name but I couldn’t hear it well enough for me to calm down. Then the unexpected happened, I felt soft hands cuff my face and warm lips felt on mine. It was my first kiss and the guy I hate/love was taking it. I closed my eyes kissing back until we heard no more sounds outside. He pulled away slowly breathing heavily. “Wh-why did you do that?” I asked anxiously. “I have them all the time, the only way to calm them down is to hold your breath so, I uh kissed you,” he said scratching the back of his neck. I nodded. “Well uh it was nice,” I said. “Huh?” he said shocked. “I mean uh thanks for helping me,” I said looking down. I’m glad it was so dark my face was on fire. “Well uh I’m gonna keep watch you should get some sleep,” he said purposely not making eye contact. I sighed nodding. I still couldn’t stop thinking about what happened. Maybe he was only trying to help. I mean why would my own bully like me?
my eyes slowly opened when i herd a noise outside. "haechan wake up there is something outside" i shook him awake and he rose up quick. "well well what do we have here, two love birds" A voice said. shit.

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