chapter 4

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Minho’s pov:

He was so cute but I could never talk to him. I stared at him as he ate his lunch. I sighed, I should talk to him. “Yah min, we got to talk stop staring at jisung for one second because who knows we might have to talk to him soon.” chan said grabbing my arm. He pulled me into the janitor’s closet across the cafeteria. “Chan what the hell I didn’t know you were gay too”? I said confused yet excited.” I mean like you’re kinda hot so I don’t mind experiencing with you,” I said trying to take my jacket off. “No ew stop that! I’m not we have to set up a meeting with the boys and I think we need to bring those two with us too,” he said seriously. “What’s going on is everything okay”? I asked worriedly. “No now c’mon, we need to set up a meeting after school,” chan said grabbing me. “Chan you really think our group, will come if they know people not in our group is coming?” I asked. “That’s why we aren’t going to tell them,” he said smiling as we walked out of the closet. Ha. walked out of the closet, get it cause... nevermind.

Jisung’s pov:

“C’mon sung just talk to him I mean he was totally staring at you,” Felix said smiling. I would but oh shit dude he’s walking this way stay cool” I said fixing my hair. I nervously watched them sit down across from us. “H-hi um, so we have to tell you something important”. Minho said stuttering. “Yes I will I thought you’d never ask omg I have been waiting so long for this,” I said gushing. “Uh, what, we need to set up a meeting,” chan said. “Oh um haha yeah that’s what I meant. I heard giggling from the cute boy across from me. “You’re cute, “ he said. I felt my face turn red and I began to stutter. “Damnit Minho I told you to be quite and stop flirting,” chan said elbowing him. I had never really talked to them but I knew Felix was good friends with chan. “Guys I can’t tell you what’s going on right now but there is something going on in this town and I need you to help me and meet me at this abandoned house tonight at 7,” he said whispering. “Chan why aren’t we just meeting at your house and why are you whispering like that” Felix said obviously freaked out. “Because felix they are watching us” chan said looking around. “Who is watching us chan,” felix said quietly. “Everyone, now come at 7, don’t tell anyone else you understand,” he said. We both nodded and they walked away. “What the hell Felix, what does he mean everyone is watching us,” I said. “I don’t know but for now let’s not talk about it,” Felix said grabbing his things. “What about mina, what if she gets hurt,” I said standing up. “I’ll talk to chan tomorrow don’t worry okay?” I nodded and we left the cafeteria. 


Haechan’s pov:

I looked at my phone and saw a text from chan. “Meet at 453 Kim street and 7 pm it’s very important,” it said. I sighed looking at the clock I should head out now. It wasn’t a long walk there seem to be a lot of people here. I opened the door and saw jinoungs groups and mina’s group. “Oh hell no if this is some damn party I’m out,” I said opening the door to leave. “No please sit down this isn’t a party please sit and listen,” chan said seriously. I sighed sitting down. I looked around and saw mina’s friends but where was she? “This better not take long chan c’mon” I heard jinyong say. “Guys yesterday when I was leaving the school I saw hyungwon with this key and his dad was hitting him an-” jaecy cut him off. “Wait you mean you saw Mr.sooman” she gasped. “Yes, he had a key and this guy came out talking about testing the subjects, they were people guys, tied up he is controlling them with a computer and I followed them the only way to stop this is with 7 keys and I think I we can hack into the computer system we can stop this,” he said seriously. “Tonight he is turning on the system and our parents were given this shot and when he turns it on they will be like robots,” he said freaking out. “Guys please we have to work together or we will die,” he said. 

Jaecy’s pov:

I bit my fingers nervously and looked over at jaemin. What f he was right we had to do something. “So, who’s in,” he said standing up. I sighed and stood up. “I’m in chan I trust you,” I said smiling. “Jae sits down you don’t kn-” jinyoung was cut off when jaemin stood up. “Me too I’m in,” he said looking over at me smiling. Soon everyone stood up, enemies and friends were joining together. We were going to stop this. We were going to save our city.

"alright chan we are in so what's the plan?" my brother asked.

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