chapter 8

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Haechan’s pov:

“Drip, drip” i woke up to the sound of water dropping on the floor. It was cold and dark it was kind of like a cave. “Mina, where are you”? I whispered looking in the dark room. The cell door opened as soon as i stood up. “Here’s you girlfriend kid” they said as they threw her in. “luckily i caught her before she hit the ground. “Mina, mina baby wake up” I said patting hr face gently. “Are they gone?” she whispered. I nodded stroking her hair out of her face. “Are you okay doll, did they hurt you”? I asked making sure she had no cuts. “I’m fine haechan, i know a way out” she said pulling out a key. “Where did you get that?!” i said snatching it smilng.”a girl i used to be close to gave it to me, she’s undercover working for “sooman” she said. “Mina, what if its a trick”biting my lip nerovusly. “This is the only way, this is the only way to get out lets just hope shes right” she said sighing laying her head in my chest. 

Jisung’s pov:

I waited until everyone fell asleep and grabbed my things. “I looked at felix one more time and patted his head. I left a note and headed down the road to meet the other 3. “You didn’t wake him did you?” minho asked. I sighed shaking my head. “I can’t loose another best friend.” i said looking down. “Hey we are gonna get her back dont worry.” sunny said patting my back. “Yeah we all got your back, and she’ll be okay” youngjae said. I nodded pulling out the gps. “Do you really think its mina” they asked. “I nodded they put something in her and i hacked it” i started walking where it guided me. I was going to find my best friend.

Unknown pov:

“You gave them the key?!” mr.sooman screamed. “Relax soo, it isnt the right key” i laughed. “Then what key did you give them?” he asked crossing his arms. “You’ll see they wont last 5 minutes in that room trust me” i smirked.

Felix's pov:
i woke up and saw jisung wasn't sleeping next to me. where did he go i thought? "felix we need to talk" i saw chan and the others looking sad."what's going, where's jisung chan?" i asked scared. He sighed handing me a note. "he left late last night to find Mina, i'm sorry felix" He said patting my back. I looked at the note and tears welled in my eyes.
dear, felix aka my bestie
I have to go find mina, you know how close we are, we've been there for eachother since birth. She's like my little sister and i know you love her too, but i couldn't risk both of you getting hurt, i'm sorry i love you and i'll be back. remember you'll always be my best friend. love sungie
I sobbed throwing the note and standing up to get some air. why didnt you take me with you sungie i cried. "hey i know we arent super close, felix but my friends went with them too, yongjae and sunny also left a note" she sighed. "yeah and minho left too but they'll save her and come back okay" chan said. i just shrugged and tears just kept falling. I should've woke up sooner, then i would've left with him.

Mina's pov:
c'mon lets go hyuk its this way"i said grabbing his hand. "wait hyuk, we have nicknames now" he giggled at my the blush growing on my face. "i- uh well yeah i thought you know since we were stuck togther mine as well become friends" i said stuttering. He squeezed my hand and smiled. we finally found the door and we looked at each other. "wait mina, if this isn't it, i-" i cu him off before he could finish.  "haechan we'll be fine, just stay beside me okay dont let go of me" i said. He sighed and nodded and we unlocked the door opening it to see something bright. "mina my dear so glad you could join us for dinner" a fimilar terrible voice said. "m-mother?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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