Chapter 7

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*Time skip to the end of day*
(Because I'm lazy)

Coming home from a long tiring day of school, some homemade food and a good movie was all I needed to ease the tension I had been holding in. The weird, hurtful encounter with Edward didn't leave my mind as I gently added some homemade sauce to the spaghetti.

Finishing my food and making a list of supplies needed for this school semester, The Breakfast Club played in background as I was too preoccupied with how I should deal with the Edward situation.

Should I just assume he was stressed out? I mean he did apologize and I was kind of mean to him...ugh, now I feel awful. Perhaps I could make him something as an apology??? Was he allergic to anything?

"I didn't know school syllabus were such a brain scratcher." She jokes

"Hey mom! You're home early. Did you go on the date?" I hugged her, she hugged back, gently playing with my hair.

"Actually I did and he was actually really nice." She blushed.

"Oh my gosh, please tell me who it is! Do I know him?" Excitement was all I felt. Mom deserved the best man. I was glad to see he wasn't a jerk.

"Well I won't tell you until I know how serious it is." I watched as she walked towards the cabinet, grabbing a plate and walking towards the pot of spaghetti.

"I thought you guys ate the restaurant?"

"We did well sort of. The restaurant was crowded so we decided to just go to a small cafe. We walked most of the time so there wasn't much eating."

"What did you talk about?"

She sat down and grabbed a fork as she replied dully "Work" she took a bite of her food and I knew that her plain expression said I wasn't going to get anymore information out of her.

"Alright then, keep your secrets." Giving up I started grabbing ingredients for some cookies.

"What are you making? Do you want some help?" She asked watching me as I cracked a few eggs into a bowl.

"I'm making sugar cookies. Edward, one of the new students. Well I feel we got off on the wrong foot, I was kind of mean so I am making him some baked goodies in hopes that it will help us start over."

I worked in peaceful silence, the message notification made me look up at my mom. I sent her a knowing smile.

She rolled her eyes "It's not my date. I texted Dr. Cullen to ask him if Edward was allergic to anything. I explained to him that your making him something."

"What did he say?"

"He said he wasn't allergic to anything." She walked towards the batter I had finished, expecting it. Quickly washed her hands, looking through the cabinets, making her way towards me, she opened the same jar, grabbing a handful she put something into the mixture.

"Some color to brighten his day." She smiled

I looked down and the rainbow sprinkles stood out in the white mixture. I smiled. She always knew sprinkles were my favorite and I hope he wouldn't mind them.

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