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Chapter 19: Just Right

"I love you, Lena."

Fingers pressed harder against the keys, creating a clicking sound that resonated in the quiet and calm office. The sun is still up and the day is still long ahead.

"A Luthor is up to nothing good, always having this malice in them, and you're no exception, Lena."

A pair of dark eyebrows furrowed and formed a wrinkle in between them. The poor keyboard received even more pressure and seeming to be the object enduring the anger from its user.

"I'm not asking you to forgive her but please, believe her.."

The clicking sounds stopped. The only sound that was audible in the office was the ticking of the clock hanging on the wall meters away from the chair.

A silent sigh escaped past her lips, her tired forest eyes hiding from the world while her hands went up to cover her face. Lena shook her head.

"I'm confused!" The past events came running back to her, and she remembers clearly how everyone came to her all at once. "I don't know what I should do!" Like her statement, Lena sighed like how she doesn't have any idea of what she should do.

I should go talk to Kara. Lena nodded to herself as that idea popped into her mind. She stood up from her throne but then just sat down again, one hand creeping up to touch her chin. But, what am I gonna tell her? How do I start everything?

A loud ring took Lena back from her own jail. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before taking the call.

"Yes, Eve?" Lena answered the call, doing her best not to sigh. She leaned her elbow on her desk and rubbed her forehead with her fingers.

"Miss Luthor, your client for 2:30 PM has arrived," reported her secretary. "Shall I send him in?"

Another stressor.. This time, Lena let out a sigh. The exhaustion was evident in her features, and she didn't like it even for a bit. This is probably some old creep again. She thought to herself before telling her secretary to send them in.

Lena took ahold of herself, tapped both of her cheeks and shook her head as if to wake up from some kind of dream. Come on, Lena.. she thought, trying to motivate herself. It's still 2 PM, I still have long to go.. The woman sighed, her exasperation clearly expressed through it.

Before Lena could even comprehend anything, the glass doors of her office opened and there stood her secretary, Eve, letting in a man whom is supposed to be the client. The blonde nodded to her boss before she left and closed the door.

The man stood by the door, not doing anything except to stare at Lena from his place. His hair is dark and went past his shoulder, he has really pale skin that it looked like a corpse's, and he wore a dark suit and red tie while wearing a black top hat. On top of everything, his eyes were darker than all of his clothes combined. Their darkness bests that of an obsidian.

The young CEO still had her head down so she wasn't able to see the person that just arrived. She was looking at the name of the client. Lena stood up and mustered up a smile.

"Mr. Nex," Lena greeted, her smile coating her red lips. "It's great to finally see you.." Her words didn't match what she really felt.

Whatever it is that Lena said, it caused a smile to be planted firmly on Mr. Nex's lips. It seemed innocent yet something was sinister about it.

Mr. Nex took steps closer to Lena, his smile still on. "No, Miss Luthor," He said while offering his hand out for Lena to shake. "The pleasure is mine."

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