He Asks You To Move In

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Hann: - he would probably be really nervous but be really cute when asking you and probably do it in a really romantic way

- It would be your 3 or 6 month anniversary and he would have just for back from tour and you'd be having a dinner date at his house

-he would give you a massive envelope with a really deep hand written love letter and at the bottom there would be a key To his house, you would just have tears eyes reading the letter

- "I really love you and ever since I've been on tour and being with you for over 6 months I've know I wanted to be able to share my home with you, so will you- would you like to move in with me?" You would chuckle at him stumbling over his words "Adam I'd love to" you place you hands on the side of his face and kiss him

George:-He would probably be really romantic and a sweetheart (Like Adam) when asking you to move in with him and it would have been just a bit over 7 months of dating

- the two of you would cook dinner together and you would just be giggling at how handsome and touchy he is with you and he would just press loads of kisses on you or keep hugging you which would just be so sweet

- You two would sit down and he would keep fidgeting and playing with his food and you would reach over the table to grab his hand and look into his eyes and asks him what wrong

- "Nothings wrong, I just didn't know how to bring it up or ask you. But we've been together for over 7 months and I was wondering you you wanted to move in with me into this house" you could laugh at him and stand up "of course I will George" and he would stand up and wrap you in a massive hug and kiss you

Matty: - He would kind of be high or drunk but he would be an absolute sweetheart when asking you he'd probably be kind of nervous even though you had been dating for a bit over 8 months

- you would both be in bed and he would be smoking a cigarette while you were almost falling asleep at him playing with your hair and watching the film on the TV in his room

- "Move in with me" he would whisper in your hair as you were starting to fall asleep and you would instant shoot up and look him in the eyes " What are you serious Matty or are you just really high"

- " I have known for a while and being in this moment right now has made me 100 percent sure I want you to move in with me , I may be high but I promise in the morning to get you a key made" you would giggle at him "Even though it isn't the most romantic way of course I will baby" and you would kiss him as he would pull you into a hug

Ross:- It would be your first Valentine's Day as a couple and it would have been just under 8 months of you two dating and it would all be so cute

- He would have woken you up and smothered you in a massive hug and place kisses all over you which would make you laugh

-He would give you a a stuffed penguin that had a key around his neck and you would take it off the studded animal and just look at him with suspicious as you held it up

- "It's a key " you would roll your eyes "I can see that Ross" he would laugh "You're taking on my sarcasm, but no it's a key, to my house, I want you to move in with me" you would throw yourself onto him and hug and kiss him "Yes of course I will" and you laughed into his lips as you kissed him again

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