What Board Game You'd Play

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Hann: Cluedo

- Usually, on a quiet night in, or after a date would you guys play this as it isn't a too intense board game and you would both use it to wind down. But it would be so romantic and you would have so much fun just being in each others company

-Usually, you'll have wine and a cheese board (lol fancy?) or have like loads of snack as you play and you'd have like some intense or romantic music play or a movie on in the background

-Even though the game isn't that exciting, you guys just get to chill, but its also quite funny when one of you tries to make a joke and it doesn't land which makes the other laugh

- You'd both like playing it because no one really wins, but you would totally joke around that both of you won and just have a laugh over it and it would be such a great end the night or even a date

George: Operation

-If George is high (lol when isn't he) he would just laugh the whole time and he would just make terrible doctor jokes or say stuff that makes you laugh

-when he isn't he takes it way too seriously and it gets very intense for him "Alright shush it's my go, don't distract me" you literally swear he thinks he is an actual doctor

-George also has an 'accidental' habit of knocking your elbow when it's your go, but it does make you laugh even though you get a tad bit annoyed at him

-Even though it's not necessarily a board game it does make the two of you laugh and you usually have loads of snacks and are watching a movie when you play it. The two of you also find it funny just to distract the other person as much as you can

Matty: Monopoly

- During the game it would get so heated and stressful and you would have to calm him down "Matty stop being ridiculous it's just a game" "Um its not just a game babe Its Monopoly now roll the fucking dice"

- Don't play any board game with Matty because he would just get annoyed or pissed off that he didn't win and would go on about how he should have won

-If he does win he gets so cocky and starts celebrating and rubbing it in your face and all you can do is laugh

-Sometimes you let him win but he gets really pissed off and annoyed at you "oh fuck off you're just letting me win" and sometimes he would just give you the silent treatment

Ross: Jenga

-Lol Ross would just be a sarcastic fuck whenever you play board games or would get unnecessarily competitive, so you have resorted to playing shorter games

-Jenga is still torture though because he would still make little comments "I wouldn't go for that one if I were you" you would roll your eyes "Alright Ross fuck off" and he would just laugh

-You would be so over it so when Ross was placing the block on top you would knock him causing the tower to fall over and you would be pissing yourself with laughter but he wouldn't be very impressed

-He would give you the dirtiest death stare but then he would laugh and plant a really sweet kiss on your lips and give you hug but then tickle you as payback for making him lose.

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