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Lulu's pov

"Are you, are you, coming to the tree, wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me, strange thing did happen hear, no stranger would it be if we met at midnight, at the hanging tree."

I saw that Ty was asleep, Mitch was asleep, and Seto was just drifting for a few moments and then just fell asleep. I want to stop singing but I know can still hear me.

"Are you, are you, coming to the tree, where I told you to run so we'd both be free, strange things did happen hear no stranger would it be, if we met at midnight int the hanging tree."

Now I knew for sure that everyone was fully asleep.

I got up from where I was sitting and made my towards where Seto was lying.

I put my hand on his cheek.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you wanted to have me sing so badly." I whispered then stood back up from where I was crouched.

Why not get a few winks? I mean I have to have plenty of energy.

I set my alarm on my watch and laid my head on a pair jacket that I brought with me.

I soon slowly drifted to a comfy sleep. Weird for that to happen because I'm sleeping on the freaking ground.

Jordan's pov

"Come one move it, fag." One of the guards screamed at me.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Why, so someone can try to kill me? To you that sounds nice, but to me not so much." I said only earning a lash on my back from the whip the guard holds.

"Watch your mouth!" Another guard yelled.

"Fine" I mumbled.


We have been walk for a good 10 minutes and my feet hurt. Well only if I had shoes they would hurt.


We walked up to a huge gate that where made of iron bars then followed after it was a iron door.

I can hear loud but muffled cheering.

Idiots, they're are all idiots. Why should my kind die just so the light can be ruling the hole world.
It's just idiotic.

A few minutes past and the cheering died down.

Brice's pov

My father and I where in the middle of the stadium.

Looking around there is so many people here just to see someone die.

My father raised a hand making it quiet so he could speak.

"WELCOME." He started. "IT'S REALLY FLATTERING TO HAVE SUCH~" I zoned out, not even hearing what my father was saying about me.

I heard a huge bang coming from behind me.

I turned around to see they were opening a huge iron door reviling iron bars. They open the bars and standing there was the one I have to kill.

"Go kill him son." My father whispered in my ear.

Light and Dark Magic. ((SetoSolace)) *Slow updates*Where stories live. Discover now