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Brice's pov

I didn't like how my father smirked. All I knew is that it looked evil and dark.

The dark user was unchained and my father told him to come forth. The dark user did what my farther told him to do and I can tell from his facial expression that he might regret it.

My father held up one of his hand and summoned a ball of fire. It was very small but nevertheless he is very powerful. My father launched the fire at the dark user hitting him right on his chest and stumble.

I gasped and my eyes widen. I felt something inside that I have never felt before. I know what exactly what it is too. Anger.

My father made another fire ball and hit the dark user again in the same spot. He did this continually. More and more angry building up inside me.

I was about to take action, but I saw something purple coming our way out of the corner of my eye. It got closer and closer and I jump back once I knew what was, but my father didn't.

It was a huge purple ball of fire. WAIT! PURPLE?! Only dark users have a a blue, green, purple, or black auroras. Are there more dark users here? Maybe they're here to save the one I was supposed to kill.

The ball of fire hit my father and he fell on one knee.

"You will not kill anybody today." A voice said, where was it coming from?


Okay so, I'm sorry it was short!! I just really wanted to get a chapta out to you guys so I don't leave you hanging and I'm very surprised that this book has already over 100 reads. *does smexy hair flip* Am. I. A. Good. Writer?

((Don't ask, again))

Anyway I'll be updating hopefully a lot on over Christmas break. :P
Hope you guys read new chaptas and be safe, no fucking around.


Save the lawls!

Be the Lawls!!

Keep the Lawls!!!


PEACE OUT!!! LAWLS!!!! *fab five*

Light and Dark Magic. ((SetoSolace)) *Slow updates*Where stories live. Discover now