Phase 1

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Song: Say It To My Face, Madison Beer.

*Still your outfit*

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*Still your outfit*

I sighed, walking down to the forensics lab to see Ed.

"Eddie?" I asked knocking on the door.

"(Y/n)? Come in" he said and I opened the door.

"Hey Eddie, sorry to bother you but there's something I need to tell you" I said seriously, making him look a little worried.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I have to go undercover" I said making him raise an eyebrow in confusion. "With the Maniax"

His expression changed from confusion to fear.

"(Y/n) you can't be serious, they'll kill you" he panicked.

"I'll be fine, don't worry" I smiled.

"So what's the plan?" He asked.

"I have to attack Jim. I just wanted to tell you the plan, I didn't want you to think I was a monster" I said glumly and he smiled, hugging me.

"I could never see you as a monster, your to kind for that" he smiled.

"Thank you Ed" I smiled back.

Timeskip to later

I sat in my apartment, staring at Jim and Harvey.

"I don't even know what to say" Jim sighed and I hummed in agreement.

"I promise I won't break anything?" I asked sarcastically making Jim's mouth curve into a small smile.

"I wish you hadn't done this (Y/n)" Harvey sighed, running a hand over his face. "There's still time to-"

"Harvey" I sighed, placing my hands on his. "I have to do this, for the GCPD and citizens of Gotham. It's my duty"

"To die?" He snapped.

"If that's what it takes, yes" I softly spoke making him sigh heavily.

"Fine, I just- don't die okay?" He said and I smiled, nodding my head.

"Well, its time for us to go. We'll see you on the other side of this (Y/n), please be safe" Jim smiled, hugging me tight.

"Jim I'm going undercover with the Maniax, not exactly safe" I said sarcastically making them laugh.

"Cya when this is all over (Y/n)" Harvey said, hugging me tight as well.

"I'll be fine, don't worry. See you both on the other side" I smiled, waving one final goodbye for at least three weeks.

Timeskip next day (sorry for all the skips)

Timeskip next day (sorry for all the skips)

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*Your outfit*

I stood in front of the mirror, breathing in and out to steady my nerves.

"Today's the day" I thought, looking at my clock.

"8:30am, Essen said to get there around 9:30am to set it in action" I thought the plan over in my head, looking down at my gun and sighing once more before putting it in my holster and getting ready to leave.


(By the way, when I do "" around an emotion it's just saying that it's fake, an act. Just thought I'd let you know. On with the story!)

I walked into the GCPD and b-lined  for Jim.

"(Y/n)?" He asked "confused" as I kept my angry facade.

"What's wrong kiddo?" Harvey asked "concerned".

"You!" I "snapped", pointing at Jim. This made some cops turn their heads to watch the commotion.

"Me?" Jim asked.

"Yes you!" I "snapped".

"Woah woah woah, what did I do?" He asks "confused", holding his hands in surrender.

"Everything! All you've ever done was patronise me, treat me like a child and I'm sick of it!" I yelled "angrily".

"But you are a child!" He yelled "frustrated".

"That has been raised in this lifestyle my entire life! I'm more skilled then most of these slouches! But nooooo, I'm still seen as the hopeless pathetic child!" I spat "angrily".

"That's enough (Y/n)!" Essen yelled "angrily ".

"No! I'm sick of it!" I replied, getting my gun out and pointing it at Jim.

"(Y/n)" he said softly, trying to convince me to put the gun down.

"You know what to do" he whispered so quietly that only him, Essen, Harvey and I could hear.


"Listen (Y/n), I know you were only planning a few punches and harsh words but I don't think that's going to cut it" Jim sighed.

"What? Want me to try and stab you?" I asked.

"No, I want you to shoot me" he said and my eyes widened.

"Your kidding right?" I asked shocked and he shook his head.

"Shoulder and stomach area, you know how to avoid the important places, I'll be fine. Besides, I've been through much worse" he smiled and I returned the gesture, nodding.

"That'll either get you sent to Arkham or Blackgate, though my bets on Arkham. From there whoever broke out the Maniax will get you and the plan will be set in motion" he informed and I nodded.

"You seem pretty keen" I smirked. "Trying to get rid of me?"

"Keen? I'm gonna be shot in the shoulder and stomach, not much to be keen about" he said, making us laugh.

Flashback over

"Well, it's been fun Jimbo but, if you don't want to treat me like an adult then I'll show you how crazy I can be" I grinned widely, shooting his shoulder and stomach.

The GCPD went into a frenzy, cops racing after me as I went for Harvey.

Alvarez managed to tackle and cuff me with the help of a few others, leading me out of the GCPD.

"YOU'LL REGRET MAKING AN ENEMY OF ME!" I bellowed, thrashing around in my restraints as Alvarez pushed me towards a car.

Citizens everywhere were filming, as well as the reporters. I stared into some of their cameras, a manic smile plastered over my face.

"WATCH YOUR BACKS GOTHAM, I'M COMING FOR YOU!" I yelled "furiously", a wicked smirk on my face as I was pushed into the back of a police car.

Once inside the car, Alvarez and some other cop started the car.

"So boys? How's it goin'?" I asked with an amused smirk.

"Shut your mouth psychopath" Alvarez snapped.

"High functioning sociopath actually" I corrected with a wide grin.

"What? I thought you'd be happy. You never liked how I was better then you" I said in a honeyed tone.

"Just shut up!" He yelled making me let out a cackle.

"So? Where we headed?" I asked curiously.

"The only place a psycho like you belongs. Arkham" He said coldly.

I inwardly sighed with relief.

"Phase 1 complete. I'm sorry Jim"

So your going to Arkham, but will you be broken out?

You'll have to wait until the next chapter 😉.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you all next update.

~ A. G

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