-Chapter 1-

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A/N- I don't own Merlin! (As sad as that is)

3rd Person POV

 Arthur stirred in his bed, his manservant was late. A few moments after he opened his eyes, the warlock burst through his door carrying a couple plates with an assortment of breakfast foods on them.

"Good morning sire." Merlin placed the plates down on the table and assisted the sleepy Arthur out of bed. Arthur ran a hand through his messy blonde hair and sat down at the table without bothering to put a shirt on.

"Merlin," Arthur stared at the second plate, "why have you brought me two plates? How many times do I have to tell you I'm not fat!"

Merlin gave a hearty chuckle and spoke under his breath, "not yet at least." He sat across from Arthur, "I decided to eat with you today." Merlin's beaming smile annoyed Arthur as he gave a yawn in response.

"And who gave you permission to do so?" He raised an eyebrow at the servant while he started to gnaw on a large piece of bread.

Merlin crinkled his face at the king, "fine, I'll be eating with Gaius then." He stood up and looked out the stained glass window by them, "He should be up by now."

Arthur cleared his throat before commanding Merlin, "Sit." He gestured at the chair across from him that Merlin had left. Merlin's cheeky grin returned as he lowered himself back into the seat.

"If you say so, sire." The boys smiled at each other before continuing to eat breakfast together.


"Sire!" As soon as Merlin had finished getting Arthur dressed, a guard had run into the room. "We have an emergency! A prisoner has escaped!" They heard the warning bells going off in the distance and all three men rushed to the great hall.

Sir Gawain, Sir Leon, and Sir Percival were already discussing the situation between themselves as Merlin and Arthur hurried in. "What's going on?" Arthur asked the knights in a stern voice.

They exchanged looks before Percival answered, "it appears that a warlock had escaped the cells sometime last night."

"Useless guards," Arthur muttered, "Do we have any idea where they might be going?"

Leon stood up and explained, "We found him in the Valley of the Fallen Kings, so he might have some sort of base set up there, sire." He gave his head a polite bow before taking a seat.

"We will leave at first light tomorrow, as we have to wait for Sir Elyan to return with his men tonight." The knights nodded at Arthur and stood up to get back to their duties for the day.

  Merlin whispered to Gaius who stood next to him, "I suppose he will be wanting me to come along."

Almost as soon as he had whispered to Gaius, Arthur stepped towards Merlin and shot him a 'hell yes you are' look. Merlin sighed, giving Gaius a quick hug before running off to get his and Arthurs supplies packed for the morning.

While packing a few bolts in Arthurs bag, the king stormed in, visibly frustrated. He sat down at his table with a frustrated huff. "Is everything all right sire?" Merlin asked while putting the last bolt with the others. Arthur rolled his eyes, "Like you know anything about girls Merlin. You've never had a girl anyways."

Merlin gulped, holding back tears, at Arthurs remark, "Something wrong with you and Gwen?" He stepped towards Arthur with his hands on his hips.

Arthur glared up at him, "What do you think, idiot."

"What happened?" Merlin grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and took a hearty bite out of it.

"Nothing of importance to you" Arthur paused while Merlin gave a loud crunch, "It's just that she didn't say anything when I told her that we are going after a sorcerer tomorrow."

"She's probably just worried that your lack of brains will get you in trouble." Merlin set the half eaten apple down before getting back to packing, "It sure worries me often, especially since you refuse to give me any sort of protection."

Arthur ignored Merlin's last statement, "You're one to talk." Merlin side-eyed Arthur as he slung the bags over his shoulder and retired to his chambers for the night.

"Good night, your royal prat-ness." He called from the door, slamming it shut before Arthur could retort.

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