-Chapter 8-

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Arthur POV

Four more months passed, I had recently given in and fired George. Although I found it even more depressing whenever I returned to my quarters to find my bed unmade and my shoes dirty, it was better than bearing with him. I spent most of the time sitting by Merlins side or on a grassy hill far from Camelot, just looking up to the sky. The knights always checked in on me, even when I rarely responded.

I found my appetite was lacking as well. I missed the days of Merlin waking me up to breakfast with him, even if it was rat soup. I missed everything about him, his cheeky smiles, his big ears, his loyalty, his kindness, the list goes on. Every once in a while, I would wake up to find that my pillow had grown damp from my tears.

"Arthur?" I heard a knock at my door and a familiar voice. I opened the door to see Percival standing on the other side, dressed in his regular sleeveless chainmail.

"Sire, its Guinevere," Percival said before turning to walk back down the barren hall.

"I told you i'm not seeing visitors." my voice sounded cold.

Percival turned back, "but, sire-" he paused after seeing my worn down expression. "I'll tell her you're busy." After he rounded the corner, I shut my door and went over to sit at my table. Merlin's neckerchief sat in the middle of it, I had 'borrowed' it for a while. I picked it up and held it against my heart as my vision grew blurry. Teardrops fell onto the red fabric. My crying had become more regular.

My hands shook as I buried my head in them, why do I always realize too late? He was always by my side and I wanted it to stay like that, I should've run away with him when I had the chance. We could've lived on a farm, free from my fathers stupid laws or the pressures of royalty. I could have even called him my hus-

My daydreams were interrupted as my head fell onto the table.


Merlin POV

I felt a tingling sensation fill my body and slowly opened my eyes. I blinked them several times but my surroundings were all a light blue. No floor, no ceiling, just all blue. I tried to walk around but nothing changed.

"Hello?" I called out into the nothingness, no response. I gave my arm a pinch, ow. My neck felt oddly cold and I discovered that I was wearing everything but my neckerchief. I searched what seemed to be the 'floor', no signs of it.

As I continued to stare off into the distance, wondering what to do next, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Freya!" I gave her a big hug, noticing that she was still in Morgana's dress that I stole for her. "Wait.. Freya?!" I stepped back in shock.

"Hello Merlin." She gave me a somber smile, "what are you doing here?" Freya's head tilted to the side as she gave me a curious look.

"I'm not sure.." I looked down to see a deep red stain on my tunic, "maybe from that?" I lifted my shirt to see that my skin was fine, except for a thin scar.

"Oh... you aren't supposed to be here, Merlin." Her smile turned downwards as she touched her fingertip to the scar. Her finger was freezing but soothing.

"Arthur!" I frantically turned about, "is he here too? How long have I been dead? Am I actually dead?" My mind was flooded with questions. Most I didn't want to be answered.

Freya placed her hands on my shoulders to stop me and pulled me into another hug. "Go to him," she whispered into my ear. I felt lightheaded and lost my balance as she disappeared, tumbling into the abyss. 


A/N: Im not sure if I should make the chapters longer with more days in between releases or keep it about 1 or 2 short ones a day? Anyone care?

Merthur: What is a Prince Without His ServantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora