-Chapter 4-

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3rd Person POV

Once through the cave, they took a look outside. The rain came down in sheets, coating every tree in a layer of water. Arthur gave a sideways glance at Merlin, who stared at the cloudy sky with fascination. "Close your mouth," Arthur bumped the underside of Merlins chin upwards with the back of his hand.

Merlin ignored him, stepping out into the rain. "What on earth are you doing?" He pulled Merlin back into the cover of the cave, "you'll get sick if you stay out there." He gave Merlin a look of concern, repeating that he should stay inside.

"You want to wait this out? It'll go on for days, Arthur." Merlin stated with a hint of impatience in his voice, "we don't have that much time, the sorcerer will have moved on by then." Arthur seemed to be more concerned about the health of his man servant over their target.

"Please," Arthur took a cautious step out of the cave, "just stay here, I'll have a look around." Merlin sighed with annoyance but obliged, leaning against the wall of the exit. Arthur yelled out to him from the tree line a while later, "The trees provide good enough coverage, come on."

Merlin gave a second sigh, rushing to catch up with him. "Couldn't I have just kept walking earlier?" He complained to Arthur who just adjusted his wet chain- mail and belt. 


Back with the knights, they had arrived at a village nearby who had reported the arrival of the slave traders. Percival approached a young girl who was clutching a doll shaped like a cat and talked to her while Leon and Gawain spoke to the villagers. The girls father joined her and mentioned to Percival, "I overheard that they were heading for the Mountains of Isgaard next when I was putting my cattle up."

The knights looked at the man with shock, their king had gone in the direction of the Mountains of Isgaard to get to the Valley of the Fallen Kings. Leon called the others in, "We have to get there as fast as we can."

Gawain nodded, thanking the villagers for their help. As the sun began to set, the knights headed towards the mountains, praying for Arthur and Merlins safety.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! They will go back to normal length (700-800 words) after this one :)

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