-Chapter 9-

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(Bit of a shorter chapter) 

Arthur POV

*Flashback to a week after Merlin was stabbed* I was sitting in my chambers when a guard interrupted my thoughts, "Sire, come quick!" I begrudgingly followed suit. The knights had returned and had the sorcerer with them.

"Take him to the dungeons." I sneered at him as they passed by. Each knight gave me pity-filled looks as they walked through the gates.

Leon stopped at my side, "I heard what happened, we are all sorry, sire." He gave me a pat on my shoulder before continuing to walk into the castle. I waited outside for a bit longer before turning on my heel and heading for the dungeon.

The sorcerer sat in the dark corner of his cell. He remained chained to the wall by his wrists, and did nothing but sit and stare at the wall. "Are you still going to kill me?" He asked when he spotted me at his door.

"I have no choice, it's the law." I lifted the candle I was holding to the door in order to get a better view of him. His eyes shone green like a cat's eye in the candle light and long brown hair fell across his forehead.

"I saw what happened to your servant." He brushed his hair away with his thumb, "I'm guessing he's not doing so well. That sword was taken from me, it was made with my own magic."

"What?" I felt my heart drop.

"Only a sorcerer stronger than me would be able to heal a wound from such a blade. I'm afraid he will be 'asleep' for a long time." I saw the hint of a smile cross his face as he spoke. I felt the unmistakable feeling of fury building up inside as I slammed my hand against the door

"Why can't YOU just heal him?" I shouted across the cell.

His smile faded, "I have no wish to harm the boy but it does bring me great joy to see you suffering."

"Damn you!" I reached for my sword but he stopped me, getting onto his knees, "Do you wish to see him again?" A small ring appeared in his hand.

I stepped closer to the door, sheathing my sword, "What is that?"

"A way to bring someone back, one last time." He tossed between his hands, "You only need to put it on and think of the person you want to see, they will come back for one day."

I surely would have thought this as an impossible task, if not for the fact that I had seen my father after his death. "What is your price for this ring?"

The sorcerer gave a chuckle before responding, "My life of course. You must release me, only then will you get this." It disappeared from his grasp with a snap.

"Very well." I waved a hand at the guard after giving his needs some thought, he immediately stood and unlocked the door. The sorcerer was gone before I could say anything. I was about to send the guards after him but felt cold metal against my palm, the light green ring shone with the same intensity of the sorcerer's eyes.

I was tempted to put it on, but figured I should wait and see if he was lying about the wound being magical.

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