Day 1- Meeting the house mates

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~Louis P.O.V~

I can't believe this we get to live in a house full of celebrities! It sounds fun and all but I won't be able to stand being away from Eleanor. We were getting a break and now we are being put on a show and probably going to have to perform. I'll miss her a lot but I will make new friends and I know our relationship will stay strong.

~Zayn's P.O.V~

Me and Lou are really going to miss our girls. I can't believe management would do this. They promised us all time off! I am going to miss Perrie everyday so much. I was hoping to be able to spend my break with her. We got a dog together I didn't want to leave her alone with a new dog since it would be so much responsibility but she said she would be fine with it.

~Liam's P.O.V~

Me and Dani broke up. It hurts since I loved her so much but it was unfair for us that we never got to see each other. I hope her the best and I know anyone would love her. At least now that I'm single when I get to our house for the next 6 weeks I won't have to be worried because I can have fun and be carefree! Of course I will probably be responsible for everyone in the house since we are so many making sure everyone is always ok!

~Harry's P.O.V~

Yup we are moving into a house full of other celebrities and you know what that means......CLUBBING, PARTYING, just about everything I wouldn't be able to do because of management. They can't put me on a show like this and not expect me to be crazy. I hope our other house mates know I like to walk around naked. Don't want them to wake up and be blinded by my gorgeousness. Just when I finish packing my bag the car gets here and me and the rest of the boys squeeze in to go to our new house.

~Niall's P.O.V~

I'm so hungry the boys didn't want to stop for some Nando's so now I am starving! Liam didn't let me bring chips since he said the house would surely have some. I couldn't wait to get there to eat! As long as they have unlimited food I will be set.

~Arrive at house~

Just when I got out of the car I made a run for inside! I had to get the food! I haven't been fed for 3 hours and I was starving! Why would they do such a thing to me?!? Oh! They have my favorite chips! Huh did you hear that? "Hello anyone here?" I turned around and you would never believe who I saw......

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