Chapter 1: Plans

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*Zadia's POV*

I sat on the floor against my locker and watched everyone socialize with there friends. I had friends and a boyfriend but currently they were nowhere to be found. I put in my headphones and leaned my head back and closed my eyes getting lost in my music. If I didn't have music in my life I think I would die it kept me sane, either when me and Tanner were fighting or I was stressed out. I was totally engrossed in my music and then I felt someone kick me gently. I opened my eyes irratated that I had been kicked and that's when I seen my best friend Nicole looking down at me. I pulled out an earbud and looked at her. Her brown and blonde hair was pulled into a ponytail and her make up was done nice. She smiled and set down her bag, sitting down.

Nicole: "Hey bitch what's up?"

Zadia: "Not much how the usual. Waiting for school to start."

Nicole (pushes hair from her eyes): "Me too. Have you seen Aubrey at all?"

I shook my head no and told her I hadn't seen Tanner either. Now I was actually wondering where my boyfriend was. We shrugged and I looked at Nicole smiling.

Nicole: "What?"

Zadia: "I was just thinking about how great our senior year has been"

Nicole: "Zee don't jinx it" (chuckles)

Zadia: "You can't say you're not happy."

Nicole: "I am happy. I haven't been happy since Jay-"

Zadia: "Don't even say his name he's not a part of your life anymore. Aubrey is here not him."

Nicole was going to bring up her ex boyfriend Jayson. He was a pathetic loser. Jayson seemed totally normal and completely cool the first few months. But that's when he got hooked on drugs because of one of his buddies and Nicole desperate to help him stayed with him. The one night they were driving and arguing and Jayson punched Nicole across the face and mad her get out of the car. She called me and being the good friend I was I came and got her and when she told me what happened I was prepared to deal with it myself but Tanner took care of it. We introduced her to Aubrey after that and they have been together for two years now. Tanner and I have been together for four years.

Zadia: "I wonder where our boyfriends are"

Nicole: "Same here I haven't seen either one all morning. "


Nicole and I were talking about the past and how we met and hated eachother in the first grade when we met.

Nicole: "Fuck you"

Zadia (laughing): "The gum in you hair was an accident okay."

Nicole: "Accidentally on purpose bitch"

Zadia (Hugs Nicole): "Love you too"

Nicole: "Not a hugger. "

Zadia: "Too bad."


I was standing with Nicole when I seen Tanner walk in holding roses followed by Aubrey. I motioned towards them and Nicole and I walked over to them. Just looking at Tanner my heart started to race after almost four years my heart still skipped a beat looking at him he was perfect. Tanner was tall and skinny with long brown hair and green eyes that made me melt. He had a piercing on the right side of his bottom lip and he looked even more sexy as hell. He was wearing a band tee I bought him and my blue studded belt, yeah my belt fit his waist. I walked up into his arms and Nicole crashed into Aubrey so hard his breath left him with a grunt and he chuckled.

Tanner: "Hey baby" (Kisses Zadia)

Zadia: "Hey" (Tanner hands Zadia the roses and she smiles) "What are these for?"

Tanner: "Just wanted to show you how much I love you" (passionately kisses Zadia)

Aubrey: "Whipped"

Tanner (looks at Aubrey): "Says you. We all know Nicole has you wrapped around her baby finger. "

I looked at Nicole and she winked. Go girl!

Nicole: "Those for me?" (Motioned to the flowers in Aubrey's hand)

Aubrey: "No there for my boyfriend. Right babe? "

Tanner: "Oh yes sweet cheeks"

Nicole and I laughed and walked to class together after saying goodbye to our boyfriends.


*Tanners POV*

I was walking with Aubrey to class and I ran a hand through my hair and sighed.

Tanner: "Dude you suck"

Aubrey (confused): "What why?"

Tanner: "You just had to ask Nicole to be your girlfriend the same day I asked Zadia four years ago, really?"

Aubrey rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

Aubrey: "Oh get over it. It wasn't like I planned it. But we share anniversary which gives me an idea"

Tanner: "Let me here it."


*Nicole's POV*

I was in class totally zoning out looking at the flowers on my desk. I loved Aubrey so much he meant so much to me I don't know what it was that had me drawn to him. I looked over at Zadia who had her face in the book we were suppose to be reading and she was passed out. I was surprised she wasn't snoring. I looked around and kicked her desk she jolted from the shock and glared at me. I smiled and she just layed her head back down.

Teacher: "Nicole?"

Nicole: "Huh?"

Teacher: "Pay attention Nicole."

As soon as he turned his back I rolled my eyes and went to texting on my phone.


When lunch rolled around I was standing with Zadia in the lunch line and she was going on about Missy the slut of the school in her art class.

Zadia: "I mean she complains about him not calling her back but she slept with him on the first date."

Nicole: "Well you and Tanner-"

Zadia: "Totally different thing. When me and Tanner did anything we were dating not for long and I'm still with him four years later."

We walked back to the table where Aubrey and Tanner were sitting and talking. I sat across from Aubrey and Zadia across from Tanner. And we all talked,

Aubrey: "So girls I got an idea"

Zadia: "What's up?"

Aubrey: "You know our anniversary are in the same day. So we thought we'd take you guys out to dinner and maybe come back to Zadia's house and watch a movie."

Zadia (shocked): "Do I have a say in this?"

Tanner (looks at Zadia): "Do you want one babe?"

Zadia: "Yes I do. I think it's a great idea, Nicole?"

I sat back thought for a second. It sounded nice and it would be fun. I smiled,

Nicole: "Sure"

Tanner: "Whoo it's all set up. All you girls gotta do is be ready"


Plans have been made and you find out about background and everything else stay turned.
Enjoy :)

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