Chapter 12: A New Face

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*Nicole's POV*

I was walking down the halls and hoping to see Zadia I checked my phone I sent her so many texts and she wouldn't respond to me. I looked for her,  she hadn't been in school for days she was obviously hurt. I seen Tanner a couple times but kept his distance from me. He looked like hell he looked like he never stopped crying and he had racoon eyes. He was clearly exhausted I seen him look at his phone and sigh. Nothing from Zadia we both tried to get a hold of her more than once and nothing.  This was going to be difficult and it may not even work.


*Tanners POV*

Zadia hadn't spoken one word to me didn't text me didn't call me back and it hurt. Usually if we were fighting she would've spoken to me by now. But we weren't fighting....she dumped me. I didn't want it to be over I was going to do everything in my power to get her back. She was the love of my life and I wanted her forever.  She was my forever.


*Nicole's POV*

I looked down at the brochure in my hand and took a deep breath. I thought it over talked it over with my family and they weren't happy but supported me. I sighed and looked in the doorway.

Nicole (whispering): "It's now or never"

I took a deep breath and walked into the building.


*Zadia's POV*

I layed on my bed watching tv. It was were I had been for days I got up to shower, eat, and go to the bathroom.  Sometimes I would run into my dad and we'd talk for a bit but then I went back in my room to cry. I tended to zone out in front of the TV a lot. My phone had blown up with texts and calls so much I had turned off my phone back hadn't touched it for two days. I didn't go to school I just wasn't ready for all the points and whispers and Tanner was going to bombard me with apologies I just new it and I didn't want to deal with that. I still love Tanner I love him to death but forgiving him, it was just something I didn't know if I could do. Everything would be so different. I'm so mad at him and Nicole they kept it from me. I rather they would've told me when it happened not wait a few weeks before saying anything. I felt like a fool for crying to Nicole about Tanner and how he was acting and it was as because of what they did. Would she have even told me? The only reason Tanner did was because the guilt ate him alive. I didn't respond to his messages but I did read them. Reaching to my end table I grabbed my phone and turned on my phone listening to all the text notifications and I had several missed calls and lots of voicemails. Why did this happen to me? We had a fight it was just a fight.  How could he have cheated on me?  And with Nicole.  How could Nicole do that?  We were suppose to be best friend. Best friends don't do that to eachother. I sighed layed my head in my pillow more and zoned out in front of the TV.


The next day I woke up and decided to go to school before I fell behind and couldn't catch up.  I brushed my hair and just threw it up into a ponytail and  pulled on some clothes going to school. As I entered I immediately seen people look at me but I just kept walking going to my locker. I was there for a few minutes when Tanner came up to me..

Tanner: "Zadia can we please talk?"

Zadia: "Go away Tanner"

I closed my locker and started to walk away but he grabbed my arm.

Tanner: "Zadia you haven't answered my texts or call."

Pulling my arm free I glared.

Zadia: "Gee I wonder why. Maybe because you slept with Nicole. You know there are times I've been mad at you. But this time I'm furious.  I told you Tanner we're done"

I walked away from him. Feeling whatever mending I did to my heart over the past few days break again.


I walked into class and sat down waiting for it to start when someone sat down next to me.  Instantly I looked over,  I was surprised to see another student from my class.

Zadia: "Oh hi Jesse"

Jesse: "Hey guess you didn't know. The teacher paired us up on a project."

Zadia: "Oh I'm sorry I wasn't here. My bad"

I looked down and sighed.

Jesse: "I heard about you and Tanner. I'm sorry"

Zadia (shrugs): "Apparently everyone has. It's whatever I'll be fine. "

I felt Jesse's hand on my shoulder and it made me feel odd.

Jesse: "It's a real fucked up thing he and your friend did"

The bell rang and the teacher walked in a began class.

Zadia: "Yeah it is."

Well Zadia's heart is obviously broken. And Tanner just wants to talk and get her back. Now there's a new face Jesse. What will Tanner think about all this?

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