Chapter 5: The Funeral

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*Nicole's POV*

I sat in front of my mirror wearing a black dress brushing my hair. Today was Aubrey's funeral. I couldn't believe I was saying that. His funeral, my boyfriend was dead. I didn't want it to be true but it was happening and I couldn't stop it I couldn't erase it. As much as I wanted Aubrey back it wasn't going to happen. Why couldn't it have been me who died? Why did Aubrey have to die? This wasn't fair! I wanted my boyfriend back. I wanted to touch him, love him, be with him and now I couldn't. I was told he would always be in my heart but for me that wasn't enough I wanted him here alive. I looked at my ring in the mirror and sighed, the wedding I dreamed of would never happen now.

Zadia: "Nicole it's time to go"

I looked to see Zadia she was wearing black as well. Her hair was down over her shoulders and she was walking not well but she refused to use her crutches. From what she told me and Tanner she hated them so she wasn't using them. Stubborn girl but that's my best friend for you.

Nicole (looks back in the mirror): "I don't want to go."

Zadia (walks closer): "I know honey. I know it's hard but you got to keep moving forward"

I slammed down my brush and walked closer to her. She back up a step I think she feared I might hit her.

Nicole: "Why Zee? Why should I? I don't want to move forward I want Aubrey back. Give me one good reason why I should go!"

Zadia (sighs): "Because life goes on. It's not much of a reason but it's the only one there is Nic I'm sorry. We all lost Aubrey we're all upset."

I felt my anger swelling up inside me and I couldn't stop it. I was just so mad

Nicole: "I know but I don't want to go and see my boyfriend laying in a casket and not be able to do anything about it. He was the love of my life Zadia! I was suppose to marry him!"

Zadia: "Yes Nicole I understand but you need to calm down"

Nicole: "Don't tell me to calm down!"

I pushed Zadia with such a force that she fell out into the hallway. I seen Tanner was instantly at her side. He must have been listening to our conversation.

Tanner: "Zadia are you okay?"

Zadia (holds her leg): "Well that hurt"

Tanner gently pulled her to her feet.

Tanner: "Baby?"

Zadia: "I'm fine"

Even though her answer was directed at Tanner her eyes were on me. He kissed her forehead.

Tanenr: "Here let me help you downstairs."

Zadia: "No I got it I'm fine"

Tanner watched until Zadia made it down the stairs and then he turned to me. I looked away

Tanner: "You know this is hard for all of us. Not just you, we all loved Aubrey he was like a brother to me and Zaida. She's trying to be a good friend and be there for you."

I looked at him and I had tears running down my face.

Nicole: "I don't need you guys to feel bad for me. I know she's my best friend and I know she's trying Tanner. But I just got so mad"

Tanner (sighs and puts his hand on the door frame): "I get that but you didn't need to push her she's already injured as it is. We're ready when you are"

He walked away and I was left standing there.


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