Chapter 8: Night of Betrayal

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*Tanners POV*

Nicole walked up to me holding a beer herself. She was wearing jeans and a V-neck shirt and her hair was pulled into a ponytail.

Nicole: "Hey Tanner"

Tanner: "Hey w-what's up?"

Nicole looked at me with raised eyebrows.

Nicole: "where's Zadia?"

I took a sip of my beer and looked around.

Tanner: "At home probably, hell if I know"

I looked at Nicole I had never seen this side of her not even when all four of us. Her eyes were rimmed she was stoned but functional unlike me.


*Nicole's POV*

I looked at Tanner and I could tell even though he only said a few words to me. When knew how many beers he had before he got here. He was hurting I knew that.  We were I guess we all handled it differently. I sighed,

Nicole: "What happened?"

Tanner: "We had  a fight,  why do you care?"

I thought about that myself.  The reason I cared is because Zadia was still my best friend and I cared about her. I shook my head.

Nicole: "Do you want to dance?"

Tanner: "Sure."


Tanner managed to get himself beer at the bar even though he was under the legal age. He had like five of them and I tried telling him to slow down but he didn't listen.  He was going to die of alcohol poisoning.  Maybe fresh air will do him good. I pulled on his arm and dragged him outside and he stumbled and started laughing while he held a beer. I sighed and took it from him.

Tanner: "Hey!"

I held the bottle away from him. And put my hand on his chest. If I didn't he probably would've feel face first.

Nicole: "You need to slow down on the beer."

Tanner: "ugh my it..with you woman? Don't tell me how to live my life. Just like Zadia"

He managed to walk and stumbled here and there.

Tanner: "Always think she can tell me what to do. Tanner this and Tanner that blah blah blah. Sometimes woman should come with a remote!"

I sighed I had a feeling he didn't mean it he was drunk. I had him sit on the bench and he put his head down.

Nicole: "Tanner..."

Tanner: "You don't need to shout!"

Nicole (shocked): "You're the one shouting,  you need to go home"

He stood up taking his keys from his pocket. He dropped them and bent to pick them up then dropped them again.  I bent down and grabbed them.

Nicole: "You're not driving. You're drunk"

Tanner put his hand on my shoulder.

Tanner: "Nic I only had had one...drink"

Nicole: "Who you trying to convince here you or me?"

He looked at me and then got a scared look.

Tanner: "I-I don't know, I don't know"

He put his head on my shoulder and cried.

Nicole: "Yeah you need to go home."


I sat with Tanner on his porch in a chair and he sat on the bench on his porch with his head down. It was kind of chilly so I put on my sweater. This was wear during the summer Zadia, Aubrey,  Tanner, and I would hang out at the end of the night. Maybe after going to the beach or something. It felt empty without Zadia and Aubrey.

Tanner: "Uh this sucks....I want a beer."

I rolled my eyes and rubbed my arms.

Nicole: "You don't need to be drinking anymore."

Tanner: "Shut how I feel.  My best friend is dead and it's my fault"

I looked at him and he finally looked up. His eyes were glossy, still intoxicated.

Nicole: "Why would you say that? It's not your fault, could've happened to anyone"

He put his head down again.

Tanner: "Bullshit it is too my fault I was driving. Therefore I am to blame, I cried like a baby telling....Aubrey's parents...I....was..sorry."

His voice cracked and I knew he was crying or was about to. I couldn't tell because his hair covered his face. Poor Tanner he blamed himself for the entire accident.

Nicole: "Tanner what happened that night was an accident. I know you're hurting I understand that. But it was an accident,  it could've been Zadia who was gone. It's okay really. "

Tanner looked up at me.

Tanner: "So hurting you was okay? I know how much you loved him. I took that from you,  that wasn't fair"

I got up and knelt in front of him and he looked at me.

Nicole: "Tanner listen to me. It was an accident me, you, and Zadia are okay. Stop blaming yourself alright just stop. It wasn't your fault you didn't kill Aubrey so don't talk like that!"

He just looked at me and  sighed,  I had my hands on his shoulders and they went to his face. I don't know what came over me but I leaned in a kissed him. His lips were hesitant at first and then moved under mine. For a drunk guy he swooped in and took control carrying me inside and to his room. I was so scared he was going to drop me because he stumbled often. My back hit the mattress first and then he was on top of my tearing off my clothes along with his and claiming my mouth again. He ran his hands all along me and played with me a bit before he slid his length into me. I moaned quietly and he kept thrusting and kissing me as I ran my fingers through his hair pulling at it. He moaned and kept going growling with pleasure. I lost myself in complete bliss.


*Tanners POV*

I opened my eyes and looked around I was in my room. What the hell happened? I groaned and rolled over to see Nicole putting on her clothes. I quickly got out of bed. Thank god I wasn't completely naked.

Tanner: "Oh my god did we?"

Nicole pulled her shirt over her head and nodded with a sad look.

Nicole: "Yeah"

Shit! I fucked up I really fucked up. I must have been really drunk. I can't believe I made a mistake like this.  Oh my god. Oh no Zadia this is bad we're fighting. I loved Zadia it didn't mean anything between Nicole and I and I know she felt the same. I didn't remember much but I knew it happened and Nicole said it herself.  I looked at Nicole

Tanner: "We say nothing to Zadia."

Nicole: "Agreed."


Oh no Tanner and Nicole screwed up. Will they be able to keep what they did silent or will guilt eat one of them alive? Who will crack first?

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