🧁Beef and Broccoli?🧁

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Chica opens the door to the kitchen and holds it open for Bonnie, "thank you!" Bonnie says as he walks in. Chica turns on all the lights as the kitchen is huge. Bonnie looks around, he never really goes into kitchen as he really doesn't have any business in the kitchen. Chica walks over to a little wooden box by the fridge and opens the lid to grab a small slip of paper. She walks over to Bonnie and hands it to him, "These are the ingredients for the stew. Some of the ingredients listed we don't have.." Chica says. Bonnie looks at the list, "what ingredients are we missing?" Chica points at the paper, "Peppers and carrots." Bonnie looks up from the paper and looks around at the kitchen, what would replace peppers and carrots? He thinks to himself. "Ooh!! I think I might know what we can replace the carrots with! They have a similar taste," Bonnie walks over to the pantry and looks trough it. Chica, confused, walks over to Bonnie, "what are you looking for?" "You'll see.." Bonnie says as he keeps looking, "Ah!! Here!" Bonnie stands up strait to hand Chica a bag full of beets. "Beets don't have the same taste as carrots, Bonnie." Chica says, Bonnie nods, "yes, but when you cook them, they're good as potatoes and carrots in soup!" Chica looks at Bonnie, "mmm.. we haven't ever made stew with beets, but we can give it a go! Now we only have to replace the peppers." Bonnie looks around then heads to the fridge. Foxy barged in, "YARGHH! Have ye figured what we're havin?" Chica looks over to Foxy in a startle, "almost, we just need to find one more ingredie-" "FOUND SOMETHING!" Bonnie exclaimed, cutting Chica off. He pulls out a bag of broccoli, "Broccoli???" Chica questions. "eeGhll-" foxy sticks out his tongue in disgust. Bonnie chuckles, "yeah! It may not replace the spice of the peppers but it will fill in the spot when we cook it! It won't taste terrible I swear." Chica takes the bag of broccoli from Bonnie, "I'm trusting you bon." "If the stew tastes bad I promise to go buy groceries the next time you and Fred go." Chica giggles, "okay! Don't forget the promise though!" Bonnie smiles, Foxy stands in the door way still disliking the fact broccoli is gonna be in the stew, "why couldn't ye choose Somthin else, matey? Why broccoli?? Out of everything??" Bonnie turns to Foxy, "Because! Trust me foxy, it won't taste bad!! We have the best chef here, she'll make it the best stew ever!" Foxy sighs, "ey, ye do be right." Chica blushes, "OOHHH stop it you two, you're making me blushhh- now get out! Lemme see what I can cook up!" Chica giggles as she pushes both Foxy and Bonnie out the kitchen door.

Bonnie and Foxy are at the middle table of the pizzeria chatting. Foxy narrows his eyes at Bonnie, "how'd ye know beef and broccoli stew existed?" "I'm pretty sure when I first started working here, Freddy showed me a list of cooking recipes for pizza and in the box of recipes I saw a paper slip with "Beef and Broccoli Stew." Bonnie replied, "thinking of it now, the only reason why I somewhat know how to cook is because of Freddy." Bonnie continued as he leaned back holding onto the table. Foxy laughs, "That ol'scallywag really did teach us all how to do things around here, Eeyy, I wouldn't be here me self if I didn't take he's offer." Bonnie smiles, "yeah.. he really did work hard for us."

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