🏴‍☠️Pirate Instincts🏴‍☠️

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"Don't ye think he work a bit too hard for us?" Foxy asks Bonnie. "Yeah.. he's done a lot for us. He needs to start taking breaks.." Bonnie replies to Foxy, he sighs and looks down at the table. Foxy tilts his head, "What's got you upset, matey?" Bonnie looks up to foxy then panics "o-oh! No reason in particular! I-i was just thinking." Bonnie starts having thoughts to himself, why did I say that?? I could've just told him! I had no reason to panic like that. Foxy, confused, squints his eyes, "Thinking? Bout what?" Bonnie lost his words as he has no idea what to say, becoming speechless. Bonnie having no idea why this is happening just starts talking, "I-uh.. thinking about.. uh.. w-what.. what we're going to do for the next weeks! Y-yeah! We know people are coming over to come fix the place and repair us, but what are we going to do while we wait?" Bonnie says as he gathers his thoughts. Foxy perks his ears up, "Ye have a fair point their matey. Me self is used to the 'doing nothing' thing but y'all are free now so it does make ye wonder what to do next." Bonnie nods, "I mean, I could work on more songs but I do that all the time.." "How bout ye find a new hobby?" Foxy replies. Bonnie's ears flop as he looks at Foxy, "New hobby? Like what?" Foxy stands up and puts one foot on the chair, "AYY! New adventures! Ye and I could look around this ol'junk of a place and find interesting things to explore! It's the pirate instincts!" Bonnie looks around, "But.. we've been around this pizzeria many times.. I don't think there would be anything new or surprising.." Foxy sits back down, "Ay, ye may be right, but this old foxy knows things. There are always new things to find!" Bonnie is somewhat shocked but not surprised Foxy brought this idea up. It's not a bad idea, Bonnie thought. Bonnie nods at Foxy, "We can give it a go." Foxy laughs "AYYYEEE! That's the spirit!" They both share a laugh as Chica walks into the diner with bowls in her hands- or so called wings. "Dinner is ready!" She calls out as she places four bowls onto the table where Bonnie and Foxy are sitting. Bonnie and Foxy state at the stew. "This smells fantastic!!" Bonnie says as he looks at Chica. Chica giggles, "Thank you!" Foxy nods, "Ay! It smells very delicious." Chica blushes and walks over to where foxy is sitting. "Oh! Could someone go get Freddy?" Chica says realizing their boss is not present. Bonnie stands up, "I can!" He says as he walks to Freddy's office. Bonnie knocks three times, "Boss! Dinners ready!"... there's no reply. Bonnie knocks again, "Boss? You in there?"... still no reply. Bonnie grasps the door knob and opens the door and peeps inside. Freddy fell asleep on his desk. Oh Freddy.. Maybe I should leave him be.. he did look really tired earlier. Bonnie thinks to himself. He closes his Bosses door and returns to the table, "Where's Fred?" Chica asks. Bonnie shakes his head, "He fell asleep, I didn't want to disturb him so I left him alone." Chica smiles, "Alright, ill just save the stew for him if he wants it later.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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