|Chapter 14 : Paris|

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Chapter 14 : Paris

“Be careful sweetheart, stay close to your friends okay? If you need money, I’ll send it to your card. Use your―”

“I know grandma I know, stop treating me like I’m a thirteen year old girl.” I chuckled.

“It’s for your own sake selena,” She scold. “Okay, now go catch up with your friends.”

“Okay, bye gracie, I’ll miss you.” I walk over to my little sister and pick her up hugging her tight.

“Goodbye selly, be careful on the way there.” She coo’ed.

“I will sweetheart, you take care of grandma okay?” I tap her nose as she giggled.

“Okay.” She nod as I put her down.

“Bye guys.” I waved as I turn around to push the trolley where we could carry our luggage. The security helps me open the door as I push the trolley further and search for my friends, after seems like two minutes I finally spot them. Stacy where listening to music and beside her is Michael and tobey who were playing with each other.

“Hey guys,” I breathed as tobey and Michael snap their heads to me.

“Aye kiddo,” Michael stood up as he gave me a hug and so does tobey.

“Where is the other students?” I Asked.

“They scattered away, but don’t worry Ms. Bella already told ‘em to meet up here.” Tobey answered.

“Here, I bought starbucks for you. Incase you need a boost up.” Michael hands me the cup.

“Thanks mikey.” I grin as he nod, I sat down beside stacy who seems really deep with her conversation on her phone, she didn’t even notice that I’m sitting beside her.

I felt my phone vibrated from my pocket as I took it out and saw that harry had text me, I look over to my friends and saw that they’re in their own little world. So I tap the message icon and read the text,

Where are you?                      

―Sitting with my friends

Cant wait to see you there ;)

―Yeah yeah :p

Harry and I spend our times texting and when they announce our flight we escorted to the plane. Luckily I sat with stacy because I just don’t want to sit with Michael and tobey, they are annoying, they always talk out loud and whenever I shush them they just keep talking. And its annoying. I got a seat that is beside the window, stacy sit in the middle and beside her is tasha. The quiet kid. She is a quiet kid. She never talks and just, react.

Hope this trip went well.

“Okay children listen up, I’m going to tell you your roommate so listen carefully!”

Ms. Bridgit said the students name and pair it with another student and when my name’s got slip from her mouth, my roommate is stacy. I’m glad. Because I rather sleep with her than tasha, because she’s just, I don’t know, when I try to talk to her she never answer, she looks down and all. I think she’s a wallflower.

“Come on selena.” Stacy and I pulled our two luggage to the elevator as tobey and Michael step in.

“What floor are you guys?” Michael asked before pressing the number of the flor.

“Four.” I answered, he nod as he pressed four and let the elevator’s door closed.

“We’re on flour three.” Tobey said.

“Are you guys together?” Stacy asked.

“Duh, we are together for two year or so.” Michael shrugged as stacy and I burst out in laughter,

“No, what I meant is, are you guys share a room?” Stacy asked after our laugh faded.

“Ooooh yeah.” Tobey drag the ‘Oh’ and nod.

“That’s good to hear.” I chuckled, the elevator door came open as we said our later’s and went to search for our room.

“This hotel is sick, all the language are French.” Stacy gushed.

“Of course it is, we’re in French, remember?” I rolled my eyes playfully.

“Oh yeah, right.”

We soon got our room as stacy unlocked it and turn on the lights, the bedroom is cool. When we step in, we’re greeted with the smell of new furniture and bright cream wall. There’s a two single bed. In the middle of it got one nightstand, there’s a bed beside the large window and when I open the curtain it shows the view, where we can see the eiffel tower.

“I call the beds here.” I said.

“That’s okay for me,” Stacy smiled as she set her bags down on her bed. I didn’t notice that there’s a balcony. So I walk over to it and unlock the door, pulling the door open letting the cold wind brushed inside.

“I didn’t notice we have a balcony.” Stacy chuckled, as I just smiled.

“Whale, I think I’m jet lagged, I’m gonna take a nap.” Stacy told as I nod and step outside, inhaling the fresh air. I take out my phone and took a picture about the view and share it on my instagram.

Suddenly I got a cal from harry as I immediately answer it,

“Hey sweetcheeks.”

“Hey haz, where’s your hotel?”

“Mmm . . . Well, we kind of um . . . How about you go down and go outside.”

“Uh . . . Fine? Alright.” I hung up as I step inside and close the door.

“Where are you going?” Stacy asked lazily.

“I’m gonna go down for a bit, I’ll be back later.”

“Okay, I’m outside.”

“Look to your left.” I look  to my left and saw harry smirking, leaning against the wall.

“DUDE!” I Gushed as I run to him and hug him, he laugh as we fell to the ground. The awkward thing is, I’m on top of him.

“Whoa, i feel loved.” I chuckled and stood up, i let out my hand for him so i could help him stand up.

“When are you starting?” He asked.

“Probably tomorrow,” I shrugged.

“Oh, me too. So, wanna play at the backyard?”

“I don’t know harry, i’m just, tired.” I rub my eyes. He chuckled and shoved his hands inside his pocket,

“You got jet lag?”

“Yeah, where’s your room?” I asked.

“On the third floor, you?”

“Same. What’s your number?”

“201, you?”

“The corner of the hallway,” I yawn. “I don’t read the number so . . .” He chuckled.

“Okay, well i’m gonna go get some snack. I think you should go to sleep.”

“Yeah i will, i’ll see you around.”


Boring chapter . . .
Follow me on instagram pleasee!  Rizzlepeanut

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