|Chapter 22 : "I won't tell"|

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» a u t h o r ’ s  n o t e «
     Okay, i just want to remind you that this is a fiction book. It’s not based on a real life. Harry’s character will be like, a playboy in here and it’s not the real harry, the real harry is a cupcake. Okay? Okay. Enjoy x


Chapter 22 : “I won’t tell”

I took a deep breath, relaxing my muscle because i don’t want to burst in anger towards my best friend. I know it’s wrong for her for snooping around my privacy but i just don’t want to loose her.

“What are you doing with my journal?” Stacy snap up the journal fall from her lap.


“You what? You know it’s my privacy right?” My hands forming into a fist. Exhaling and inhaling trying to keep calm.

“Selena, i’m sorry, okay? Look whatever you do, you need to leave him. He’s not good for you, he’s . . . He’s a criminal sel. All he said to you all his words are a lie! He only wants sex. And he’ll leave you.” She explained.


“You can call it bushit but it’s not, and what i’m about to tell you it’s not a bullshit,” She paused. “He killed his mother and his sister.” My eyes went wide and suddenly my hands that formed into a fist became relaxing.


“And with that he spend his fifteen year old life in jail. With that he got sign up into an orphanage and then there’s this guy who adopts him.” She told.

“How do you know, all of this?”

She sighef and looks down to her lap, “I used to be his girlfriend.” my breath hitched in my throat. She was harry’s girlfriend. I don’t know why suddenly i can’t speak, i wanted to but no words came out of my mouth.

“Y-yes, i was his girlfriend.” She stuttered.

“He used to treated me right, until he got me in danger, dealing with some gang stuff. I was madly and deeply in love with him, but all he do is just . . . Focus on what he do. And that is drugs.” She explained.

“And since then, i’m getting sick of boys. They treated us girls like barbies, they play with them, but when they’re bored, they throw us away. That is harry.”

“And since that, i became interested with girls.” She finished.

“I-i don’t know what to say,” I look down.

“You don’t need to say anything selena,” i felt her figure in front of me as i look up to meet her brown eyes.

“You just need to answer this questions.” I nodded a little.

“Does he treat you well?”

“He treat me so well.”

“How long have you two been together?”

“I don’t know, two or three months.”

“Is these past week he never showed up? Like, he always said i’m busy, i got something to do ?”

I nodded sniffing wiping my tears, i didn’t know i was crying. “Yes, yes he said that.”

“You must be careful selena, okay? He sometimes plan something. Well when he was with me, i caught him cheating with some girl. I don’t know what will he do to you.” I sighed.

“But do you love him?”

“Yes, i love him with all my heart.” I answered.

She sighed and looks down, suddenly something popped in my mind. “Please don’t tell mikey.” She jumps a little when i said that. Oh she’s planning to tell him.

“Stacy,” She doesn’t answer me. “Stacy please . . . I don’t want to loose my best friend since as long as i can remember, please stacy.” I cried.

She sighed and looks up to me, wiping my tears that were on my cheeks. “I won’t tell.” And with that she pulls me for a hug.


Sorry short . . . Anyway, leave a vote & comment please :) And if you want to ask me questions, just ask me :)x

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