Chapter Two

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"It's gonna be easy!" A Male says.

"If your thinking about  the robots being small then you've got another thing coming" I say...

"Of course their gonna be small" the male says back to me.

"Oh Come on dude I don't even know the name of... it's UA we're talking about... UA is full of surprises" I Say to him.
~End of recap~

A horn was blown, The doors to the city open and the people fled in getting ready to fight. It was pretty easy... especially with my shapeshifting quirk... of course I had to limit myself which sucked i took out alot of robots.

It was now nearing the end  of the exam when a huge robot bigger than the other ones came onto the scene. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. I then shake my head and see the others they decided to flea and get to safety

I was about to do the same until  I heard a girl shout out in pain. I shoot my head and see a brown haired girl stuck under a pile of rocks I run to her and I start to help her.

Just then me and the girl hear a scream we both look up and see...

"Oh my god, Izuku!?" I think completely  shocked.

He hits the robot and just in one blow he takes the robot down... he then realizes that he's In mid air and he's going to fall.

{Izuku Point of view}
I hit the robot in one blow which took the robot down.

I look at my arm and it's broken.


This is why all might gave me a training schedule... but I had to get distracted and work to much...

It was then I realised I'm in mid air and I'm going to be a squashed pancake if I hit the floor.

I Close my eyes and await the immense amount of pain

.   .   .

It never came.

I slowly open my eyes and see that I'm flying I look up and see there's a giant bird carrying me. I scream out in panic.

It swoops down to the floor and puts me down it then transforms into Kyoto.

"Kyoto!" I say so happy to see her. She smiles

{Kyoto Point of view}

"Kyoto!" He says while smiling he seems happy to see me.

"Hey Izuku" I say smiling back.
A old lady comes over to me and Izuku. She kisses Izuku broken arm it heals.
"Woah" I say amazed her quirk is healing people... reminds me of one of my old childhood friends...

{Time skip}

I'm now at home in my bedroom sat on my bed messing about on a app on my phone when I get a call of Izuku I pick up and place the the phone to my ear.

"Hiya, Izuku"

"Hey Kyoto"

We start to talk about The exam today and how he sat next to me.

"Oh my god! I'm really sorry I didn't notice that it was you! I was just really excited that I didn't really pay attention to anyone" I say

"Its fine, I think Everyone was excited." He says before chuckling.

We then continued to talk and catch up on some of the times we didn't talk. I then had to go. I hung up and got off my bed going downstairs to greet my mum.

I come into the living room.

"Hey dad, Where's mum?" I ask
"Oh she's just gone to get something from her office" he says. I thank him and skip to my mum's office. I knock on and open the door when my mum says it's okay for me to come in.

"Hi mum, How's work?" I say stepping in her office and shutting the door.

"The usual. Stopping robberies" she says and lists what she mainly does.

"So no villains?" I say as she shakes her head.
"Wow... you'd think the villians would attack everyday..." I say
"It isn't like that honey" she comes over to me and then continues "They have to make recover from when they attacked last time"

"It doesn't take very long to recover though... so why do they have to wait months before they attack again?"

"Well it does... depending on the amount of damage we cause to them" she says smiling.
"Anyway, I have to go now. I'll see you tomorrow." She says before pecking my forehead she then leaves I follow behind her.

"What are you doing now?" I question her
"I'm going on my night patrol" she says going to the door.
"Really!? Man I can't wait to go on patrols!" I says jumping up and down. She smiles at me
"I'm off." She says waving me good bye and leaving through the door.

{Time Skip: Saturday}
It's been 6 days since the Exam and I've been waiting for my results to come I don't know when there gonna come so every Time the door goes I get my hopes up. Which I really shouldn't be doing but I can't really help myself.

I'm sat eating my dinner when the door goes I get up from my seat.
"I'll get it!" I shout to my dad who's in the kitchen.. I go to the door and Open it.

My eyes widen when I see two girls stood at the door.

"R-Ryu, I-Ichika! Oh my god! W-What are you two doing here!?"

Ryu smiles. "We came to see you after we parted ways for years" She says while smiling.

"I hope you didn't mind this sudden appearance" Ichika says. I smile Ichika always apologises for what she does.

"No it's fine! I'm so happy to see you both!" I say tears forming in my eyes.

"O-Oh my... Ryu we've made her cry. I didnt know we would make her upset" Ichika says

"I'm not upset, I'm just happy to see you both after so long. I-I thought you two forgot about me" I say wiping a tear away.

"We would never!" They both say..

I let go of the door and hug them both they hug me back and then with that I break down into tears of joy.

 Let's go down in history as hero's Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora