Chapter three

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I was sat outside eating my lunch when my two best friends come over and sat next to me.

"Hey, Kyo"  Ryu says.

"Hey you two. What's up? You two look really down in the weather"

"It's nothing really" Ichika says.

"It's just our mum's and dad's have found new jobs in another country.. so we're gonna have to leave" Ryu says.

My eyes widen I stop my chopsticks in my lunch box.

"W-what?... W-Why?" I ask not wanting to believe it.

Ryu then grabs my hands. I look at her. Her eyes are glossy she's trying her best to hold in her tears.

"Look, I don't wanna believe it either Kyo... but it's the truth.. we have to move" she says finally allowing some tears to fall from her eyes.

And with that we all decided to relive some of the best moments we had together.. 

{End of flashback}

I pull away from the hug Ryu and ichika doing the same thing.

A smile appears on my face.

"Are you guys free?" I ask they both nod their heads.

"How about we go grab a boba?"

"Sure!" Ryu says.

I tell my dad that I'll be back around 4 And with that Me, Ryu and Ichika all leave and head to grab some boba.

We walk down the streets talking now and again.

We soon arrive at the boba shop I open the door and allow Ryu and Ichika in first.

"Kyoto, Ichika you two can go sit down I'll get the drinks" Ryu says.

"You remember what we wanted? Right" Ichika says.

"Yeah I do. Just go find a table will Ya" Ryu says going to the till.

"Come on Chi" I say to her.

As we were finding a table I see Izuku sat at a table with his mum next to them is free table.

"Hey chi. There's a free table over there" I say grabbing her hand and pulling her over to the table.

We sit down and wait for Ryu to come over to the table.

After a few more seconds of waiting Ryu came over with the drinks she puts the tray down and sits down. Ichika takes her drink and so do I.

"So Kyoto how's your life been?" Ryu asks me.

"Ah well it's been alright. Oh! Did I tell you that I took part in the entrance exam for UA" I say a smug smile appearing on my face.

"R-Really!?" Ichika says shocked. I nod and hum before taking a sip of my boba.

"Doesn't your dad have a grudge against UA?" Ryu asks again.

"Yeah he did... but him and mum talked it out and he allowed me to do it" I say

"Ahhh right." Ryu says before drinking.

"Our friend is gonna become a well known hero!" Ichika says smiling excitedly.

"Pffft, please I might not get in first of all." I say.

"Oh Come on Kyoto! Have you seen yourself!? You've got a good quirk combination shapeshifting and Liquid manipulation. You'll get in for sure Kyoto" Ryu says.

My cheeks go red from embarrassment.

"I'm just surprised I didn't mess up." I say

"Huh? Why?" Ichika says.

"Because I don't have good control on my shapeshifting quirk yet... my shifting only lasts for 10 minutes. That's why I didn't use it as much I only used it when my friend was in trouble" I say.

"You saved somebody!?" Ryu says shocked

"Well you see..." I start to explain what happend with the whole Izuku situation.

"Wahhh! Kyoto is really gonna be an amazing hero" Ryu says.

"Mhm she is!" Ichika says.

"I agree" a voice says.

Me, Ryu and Ichika look at the person my eyes widen...

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