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"Well, you finally awake, sorry, but I had to go rooting around for all the bits of lead still in your noggin, how'd I do?" A older man asked me.

I had no Idea what he was talking about. then he asked me to walk to this vigor tester at the end of the room. I'm not stupid, I must've gotten bad radiation poisoning or got some bad Jet. This all a illusion, hallucination. But when he handed me a mirror, I had a large scar on my forehead from my crown to my left eyebrow.

"Holy shit, What happened!?" I  panicked.

"well, When you got carried in here by that robot a few months back, you had a bullet in your head, I thought you done for, but nope! you were still kicking! so I patched ya up and now here you are. Doc Mitchell, by the way." He explained and I loosened up a little bit.

"well, jeez, thanks Doc. Now uh, do you have any, um clothes for me or anything?" 

"of course, here and I'll see you out! Here, it's a pip-boy, I grew up in one of them vaults. y' might need, being what you've been through." He handed me a jumpsuit and a Hunk of metal called a pip-boy and saw me out.

"thanks again for everything! hope I don't come back in a worse predicament than before!" I said and waved and headed out.

"Go see Sunny Smiles and try not get killed anymore!"

I just nodded and smiled and proceeded out the door.

"that must be the robot that rescued me." I thought walking towards it.

"Howdy." I greeted.

"Howdy! I might I say you're looking fit as a fiddle!" He was mighty friendly.

"well thank you, pard." The robot had a thicker southern accent than I did. Weird. "Thanks for saving me awhile back! how'd you find me?"

"well, I was out taking a stroll that night and I hear a commotion up at the old bone orchard. Saw what looked like a bunch of bad eggs, once they ran off I dug you up to see if you were still kicking and turns out were, so I took you to the Doc right quick!" He explained.

"Thanks again, Victor! I gotta get going!"

"Bye, partner!"

I started towards where the Doc told me Miss. Smiles would be. Just my luck, a saloon.

I walked in and was greeted by a growling dog.

"Cheyenne! Down! don't worry, she won't bite unless I tell her too."

"Doc Mitchell said you can teach me to survive in the desert."

"yeah, seems you'll need it, after what they'd done to you, meet me out back." Her and dog were gone in a flash.

"don't even have time for a drink." I mumbled and was right behind her.

once we were out there she handed me a varmit rifle.

"See them sasparilla bottles, shoot three of 'em" I did as I was instructed and nailed.

"Damn, not bad for bein' shot in head."

I chuckled "thanks and all, but I better get goin'"

"No problem, I gotta get back now, Cheyenne would be upset if I missed something good on the radio. Oh and peek your head in and say hello to Trudy, she's like the town mom, she'd be cross with me if I didn't tell you to say hello."

I couldn't find words so I just nodded. Fucking assholes. Shot me in the damn head.

I asked around for directions on how to get to  Primm. All the same. "head east. stay away from I-15 got critters who just get mad when you shoot'em"

I went inside the dim saloon and found who I assumed was Trudy.

"Howdy! Do you know anywhere I  lay over for a couple of days?"

"sure, there is a house straight of here, you can stay there for a couple of days."  She said wiping down the bar.

"there will be no wedding bells for today..... I've got spurs that jingle jangle jingle...... GOOD MORNING MOJAVE WASTELAND! this is Mister New Vegas-"  I grabbed for the bowie knife I had strapped to my leg to find no intruders, Only the Pip boy I threw across the room the night before in a drunken stupor.

"the sun is my enemy." I grumbled covering my eyes. the last few days have been rough. Most of the memories come back in bright obnoxious burst that give me a ache in the temple or just because the whole "being shot in the head" pain. I really don't know, I'm not a doctor. I'm a courier who people only know as "SIX" My name is Ashley Price.  24. Activated project purity 5 years ago, used to live in vault. and that's all I remember. Besides remembering whiskey being my holy water.

I've been in a small settlement called Novac. Nothing very exciting, besides No-Bark and his stories and Boone's wife's kidnapping. I've been doing a tad bit of investigating for him, The only person I could think of was the lady who checked me in. Tonight I'm going in and going through documents to see if she gave his wife to the legion.

"this better work, goddammit. one more cli- YES, I mean yes."  the safe opened and I grab everything out of it. One of the documents happened to be a slavery record type thing.....

Boone will like this.

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