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I still have no idea where I'm at,  I'm in a dead zone because my pip-boy isn't picking up a ping, or radio station. "this is a load of fucking shit." I muttered taking it off.

"What is that thing anyways?"

"personal information processor. Now, go away." I said lighting a cigarette .

"Those things can kill you."

"So can a bullet to the head, and radiation. But I'm still here, so I'm not that worried." I retorted.

"Anyways, We need to discuss something."

"Like what, Inculta?"

"We offered you something, and I haven't heard a response."

"I don't know yet, it's a kind of a big deal, I still need to find that fuckstick who shot me in the head, So, for now you're SOL."

"It's a simple yes or no question. it's not-"

"It's not like your taking the dam tomorrow! okay? let me tie up some loose ends and I'll get back to you." I snapped pushing off the wall I was leaning against.

"I'm done being nice, Ashley. Yes or No? Remember, I saved your ass."

I'm one of those who fumble on words when under pressure that or get defensive. "You can't use that against me, I didn't ask for your help. You just happen to stumble upon me when I'm in trouble! It's actually really weird!" I didn't expect what happened next.

"Get up!"


next thing I know I'm looking up my  shotgun barrel. "Up. Now."


"You're fearless and stubborn."

"I've seen it all. Ain't Nothing is new." That damn headdress he wears confuses me. "Can you just give me awhile to think about it?" I asked getting up.

"fine, only because I know you'll make the right decision. I hope."

"It'll be awhile." I muttered stamping out my cigarette.

he just rolled his eyes and walked away.


"it's a never fucking ending battle between you guys. Just make out and get over it." I was talking to myself again, Some more NCR troops showed up. These guys fight like Geckos and Radroaches and go together like Cram and Snack cakes. It ain't pretty.

An Explosion rumbled right next to me almost and I was covered in blood, which of course, I gagged, thank god for sunglasses. "THIS IS DISGUSTING." I hollered dodging some bitches melee attack with cat like reflexes, I if course filled her with bullets, Someone was sneaking behind me, so I swung around, gun still drawn. "goddammit kid, I almost shot you." but of course someone else did that from behind me, I hit the ground to see if I could do anything but first I pulled a stupid. "left or right side.." Yeah you guessed it, I forgot what side the heart was on. "Left! okay, kid you're going to be find, just uh stay awake, let me take this jack ass out and I'll be set."

"you better be right "

"Oh and don't talk, or move." I quick like shot the guy in the head and moved back towards the dumb kid. " okay! so, this is really close to you're lungs, so I'm going to have to cover it so no air gets in." I was talking myself through it, I pulled the plastic off a box of snack cakes and covered the wound. "See, you'll be fine! hopefully. I'm going to still have to- HEY, you need to stay with me if you want to live and see your family another day!" I propped him up and looked around, bullets stopped flying and people were heading back to the makeshift camp. "Fuck. How am I going to move you?"

"I can walk."

"it's too far for you to walk, Even with my help, and said do not talk. Do I need to say it in Spanish?"

I saw the confused look on his face. stick to English, Ashley. "Fuck it, I'll drag you back."


"I just got done saving one of your guys and now you want me to leave?"

"that is what I just said." fucking Lanius.

"you are such a dirt bag, I hope you die a painful slow death you piece of Brahmin shit."  I didn't actually say that, but I wanted to so badly. in reality  I did say something bitchy. "Are you intimidated by me? Is that why you don't like me? Sure I'll leave, But certainly not now." I said coolly.

"Who ever told you that has lied and I'll make sure you leave, dead or alive."

I snorted. "Yeah, okay." This guy is a total  pervy jackass. I can see why Vulpes hates this guy. "fine. I'll leave."


"fuck. I'm lost. " I kicked the bullet riddled road sign. "ugh. excelled senior year and can't read a half destroyed sign, I wish I could kick my own ass." I sat down on a rock, checked my pip-boy, then my map. "I'm literally in the middle of nowhere. FUCK!" if I go north I'm in Kahn territory, south takes me back to the camp, so I have two options east or west.

"east takes me towards the divide, west, I don't fuckin' know. "  Well, that makes up my mind. My head started to ache from all the stress and thinking.  Fuck, I need a fix.

Of what? I don't know yet.


I eventually made it to the divide with no trouble, surprisingly.

"Divide is closed."

son of a bitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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