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When I walked into the saloon, I was in the worst mood. It was fine when I ran into a few Rad scorpions, and a rabid pack of coyotes, but the nighstalkers I was running into  on the way was ridiculous. When I got to the bar I threw my things on to the floor with a loud thump.

"you're back!" Sunny said, Cheyenne was excited to see me, that helped my mood a little bit.

Nothing was different from the last time I was here.

"how are you, Ashley?" Trudy asked setting down a beer.

"Eh. I ran into a few critters. Apparently an old acquaintance s. plural. I guess." I said resting my head on the bar. I'm exhausted. I'll sleep in a dumpster. my shoulder hurts. really bad. this is not normal "ow. fuck." I  cussed under my breathe.

I stayed awhile in Goodsprings, it was quiet, not a lot going on, the occasional drifter. these few days I realized how much I changed, I use to be this nice person, socialize on a daily basis, Wasn't a borderline alcoholic, didn't kill everything that seemed like a threat. But after the these few years, I've went from, "hi, my name is Ashley."  to a curt nod or a tip of the hat and "Most people just call me Six."

"Ma'am, I have a letter for you." I turned my head, this guy was a courier.

"what's your name, Kid?"

"Alejandro... Here's your letter. I have other places to run to."

kid was straight forward and didn't waste any time. good.

I opened the letter.


I hope your doing okay, since you did what ever the hell you did, things in the wastes have changed. Sure raiders are still the pain in the ass, Fucking Deathclaws too, anyways! I hope you're liking the Mojave Wastes. I know I haven't written in a while, You wouldn't believe what the bomb worshippers managed to do. They moved the bomb. I don't know how they did it!  Write back if you get the chance.

     ~  Crow. enjoy the legion, I know I did.

I folded it up and put it in my back pocket.

"Secret Admirer?" Trudy asked teasingly. Gosh she is like the town mom.

"Nah, Old friend."


I gathered my things and left for the place I was staying at prior to leaving. I love free shit.

The bighorner in the corral we're acting strange, so walked over there after putting my things down, then bang, it happened, a fucking radacorpion stung me right in the back. This is going to end well. Within minutes I was completely delirious, Seeing things that weren't there.

"Ashley....you....aren't the same. I'm disappointed in you."

"dad? dad. you don't. you're dead.

"no one dies. they just leave."

----- still hallucinating-----

"the game was rigged from the start." everything went up in a explosion.

--no longer hallucinating--

I jerked awake by a sharp kick to the ribs. "What the hell!?" I yelped.

"I thought you said she was dead." I couldn't register anything, everything was blurry.

"No, I didn't."

"Lieutenant! I am sure you said she was-"

"I'M NOT DEAD, NCR ASSHOLES." I spat  attempting to get up. But no, I was tied the fuck up. again. "where is my stuff!!"

And thats when they moved in. I just threw my self back to the ground. Hopefully nature will take its course. you know, death. I am so fed up with this shit. I just can't catch a bloody break.

during that time I realized how far off I was from Fox's real name. It wasn't lucius. No. it's Vulpes.


"Yes?" I answered rather rudely. The raid  was over in a matter of minutes.

"No offense, but you look like shit."

"I'm also tied up, like a fool. hint hint." oh my god, my back hurts like a bitch. I'm not flexible enough to grab the switch I keep in my boot, I hate asking for help, been independent far too long. "I'm pretty sure they burned my stuff." the ropes binding me were cut,  so I pushed to my feet . "I can barely move. This is Lamplight all over again." Super mutants. long story.

"just take there stuff, Thats why we cleaned this place out."


"No? really?" I leaned against the building. "Everything I had is gone. emphasis on gone. and everything." I growled kicking the NCR lieutenants corpse. "Fucksticks." I muttered.

"Such foul language for lady, such as yourself." He smirked. ass.

I gave him a nasty look. "Yeah and?"I'm a 17 year old all over again. HA.

"I'm just saying."

"I'm just saying." I mocked sliding down into a sitting position. Stupid scorpions.

He finally gave up and walked off.

"Wait! Vulpes, I don't know where I'm at."

"No where in particular really, you could just follow us, but we'll be here a few days."

"I need to get this thing checked out." my back was tender and the swelling hadn't gone down any. "OH MY FUCKING GOD!" I touched it wrong.

he gave me a look and walked off.

the thing with  Vulpes is his name literally translates to Fox, and you know what foxes are? Sly and cunning. Get my drift? I hope so. Anyways, a lot of people are terrified of him, due to the fact that he's one of the four most powerful men in the Legion, But he's really just a asshole. Of course when I first met him I was intimidated.

I remembered the letter in my pocket, so I grabbed my notebook and started writing.

I don't know what to say about the churchies, but the purity project about killed me, I'm pretty sure I glow, won't believe what happened to me though. Shot. twice in the fucking head. I wouldn't of started relaying messages if  I knew that was going to happen. I sure do you miss you guys, Make sure to tell Sheriff Lucas Simms I said (cue deep voice) Howdy. Check on Gob and Nova for me. I'm disappointed that I didn't pop a cap in Moriarty's ass when I had a chance. Not many caravans out here. maybe I'll fix that too.

good luck,
   Ashley Price. Mojave.

"note to self, find courier Alejandro."

I slipped into unconsciousness (holy shit, longest word I've used.) shortly after that.


I was rudely awoken by a nudge. "What the fuck is up with you guys and kicking people."

"Language, and I did not kick you, I nudged you." Vulpes warned.

"whatever, I'm bored." once again, teenager moment.

"I have a lot of ideas to keep you occupied, but I don't think you'd like them."

OOH. He is so lucky I don't have the strength, or I would of dropped his ass right there.

"I'm not a fucking degenerate. I'd keep those little fantasies to your self." I snapped.

"I never said you were, and You're kind of an ass, you know that?"

I just groaned and started off in whatever direction.

"There is a large Cazadore nest over that way, and We all know what happens when people run into them."

I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but I really don't want to die. at least not today.

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