roadtrips with them

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-Packs a healthy mixture of healthy food and absolute junk.
- He drives.
- At night he softly sings you to sleep.
- He's an okay singer, defiantly not the worst though.
- He would pull over late at night so he could sleep.
- probably wakes you up at like 6 in the morning.
-the start of the car ride y'all are talking with quiet music in the background, then you just start to jam out, then you guys are quiet for a while. Rinse and repeat.
- He drives you to a little cliff edge that he used to visit with his family.
- He cries because he misses Georgie.
- You cry too because everyone's got some shit they're going through.
- y'all cuddle on the roof of the car and watch the sun set.

- Richie doesn't pack a single healthy thing to eat.
- you too alternate who drives.
- At night when he thinks you're asleelp he'llsing a little bit.
- Richie doesn't sleep at all. No one knows how he still has that much energy though.
- You guys wake up in the early afternoon.
- You guys just jam and the whole time with minimal talking.
- You guys go to a concert, then a comedy show.
- Richie tried to stage dive at the concert and he boo'd the comedian when he made a racist joke.
-y'all got kicked out cause you kept booing him cause he was a piece of shit.

- Eddie is SENSIBLE and brings healthy food, with the exception of a few chocolate bars for you.
- He prefers to drive.
- y'all pull over to sleep, you guys hold hands while you're sleeping.
- He wakes you up at 10 so you have a full day to do things.
- You guys talk the whole time with music playing the background.
- you both just drive around, showing each other your favourite places.

- He packs healthy food with some unhealthy snacks.
- He also packed spare clothes and extra blankets.
- He likes driving.
- He pulls over and plays with your hair while he tells you facts about birds while you fall asleep.
- He wakes up super early to watch the sunrise but he let's you sleep.
- He takes pictures of the sunrise for you.
- You guys don't talk too much during the trip but there is some small conversation.
- You don't have a destination, you just drive.
- Sometimes Stan stops to write down all the birds he's seen.

- Much like Richie, she packs junk.
- You drive while she has her feet up.
- She always has a blanket on her legs even when its not cold.
-You guys cuddle in the backseat until you fall asleep.
- You wake up at like 2pm.
- you talk for almost the whole trip and sing to each other for the rest of the time.
- Like Stan you guys are just driving around aimlessly.

- He packs healthy foods for you basic meals (breakfast,lunch,dinner) and unhealthy snacks.
- He likes to drive so you can have naps.
- Like Bev, you guys cuddle while you sleep in the backseat.
- You both wake up pretty early.
- you spend the whole time talking to each other.
- you're going to a wedding that Ben was invited to.
- y'all had fun at the wedding.

- He packs healthy foods and a few bags of potato chips.
- He drives.
- Like a mixture of Bill and Stan. He sings you to sleep while plays with your hair.
- He's used to waking up early for the farm so you guys are awake at 6.
- He sings to you for the trip, it's great.
- You were going to pick up a new puppy.

(Sorry I haven't been active lately)

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