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Shotos POV:
We all lined up to throw what looks like a cricket ball. I was third in line but bakugo had his go at the beginning so he was standing next to mr aizawa. After about 5 minutes it was my go. I took the ball and had no choice but to use my left side. I used my palm as a canon and sent the ball off. After about 20 seconds a beep went off. The screen that mr aizawa had read my score "1007.4 ft. I beat porcupine." "WHAT DID YOU SAY ICY HOT BITCH!?" I just walked back and took my drink.

Next was izukus go. He walked into the circle and green electric wrapped around his arm. Just before he threw the ball, mr aizawa erased his quirk "what was that for?" His scarf started to wrap around Midoriyas body and pulled him towards us. "You can't just carry on breaking your body. If you keep this up you'll be expelled and not become a pro hero." Sensei whispered. "Got it!" The cloth pushed him back into the circle. Midoriya did the same thing but this time electricity wrapped around his finger. When he let go of the ball his finger launcher the ball forwards. Soon enough the farmiliar beep went off. "705.3ft!" "DEKU SINCE WHEN HAVE YOU HAD A QUIRK?!" Senseis scarf held bakugo back as he tried to pick a fight with izuku.

The score board appeared infront of us. Momo yaoyarozu first, huh I came seco- "THAT ICY HOT BASTARD!!" And bakugo third "looks like I beat the porcupine again." I said in a monotone voice and walked into the changing rooms ignoring all the things bakugo was shouting. Midoriya was infront of me looking like he had all the weight taken off of his shoulders. Guess he caught on to the fact that no one was going to get expelled.

Once everyone had gotten changed, we went back to class. We did normal school stuff like maths.

Once the bell went for end of school I swung my bag over my shoulder and began to walk out the room. When I got to the door way I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Midoriya looking quite nervous "do you want to walk home together, I can drop you off since your house is probably closer?" "Sure,"

We were walking down the street when I saw my house "there's my house." "Ok see you tomorrow!" He threw himself on me arms around my neck and his head in my chest. I began to heat up and internally scream. I wrapped my arms around his waist and nuzzles my nose into the crook of his neck. After a few seconds, we pulled away and waved goodbye.
I walked into the house to find Fuyumi and one of my brothers "hi shot- are you blushing?" Fuyumi asked. I was a bit shocked and looked away "err no no I'm not it's hot outside." "Nah I was just in the back yard it's quite cold" I looked at the ground "w-well um s-so" "so who's this special person huh?" She walked closer to me wiggling her eyebrows and nudging my shoulder. "No one.." "what's her name?" "I'm not telling you!" "So there is someone?" "NO! I don't like anyone" "well your face says other wise!"
Through out the whole night, she was teasing me and asking for names. I finally got peace and quiet in my room when I fell asleep.

The next day I did my usuall morning routine and started to head to school. I decided to go pick up izuku. I headed to his house and knocked on the door. A few seconds later the door opened followed by a gasp and arms wrapped around me. "Shoto it really is you!" "Hehe hey inko," she wiped a tear from her cheek "you've grown up so much your so tall." I rubbed the back of my neck and let out a little chuckle "well me and izuku are in the same class now. We had a little emotional reunion when we saw each other." "Yeah he told me about it." She looked at the clock "OHHH YOU'LL BE LATE" she shoved Midoriya out of the door while they said their goodbyes.

When we got to the gates I was too busy on my phone to notice the crowd of news reporters infront of the gate. Midoriya tugged on my sleeve. I looked at him and he pointed. "I'm kinda scared can I hold your arm?" "E-err y-yeah sure." We starter to walk through the crowd. As we got to the middle of the crowd, Midoriya was gripping hard onto my arm and hugging it. As we got closer to a shouting woman, he started to tremble and he buried his head into the back of my upper arm. I looked at him and saw his eyes were tight shut and he was making weeping sounds.

When we finally got through the school gates, I looked at izuku "u ok now?" He opened one eye and exhaled "thanks!" His usual bright smile appeared. I ruffled his hair and we continued to walk in.

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