Training camp Pt.2

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Shotos POV:
Izukus chasing bakugo around while he's saying something along the lines of "ILL FUCKING KILL YOU IF YOU TOUCH MY PHONE!"

Some pro heroes that I've somewhat seen were hosting the training camp
"I'm rag doll but you can call me mandaley!" A girl in red shouted to all of us.

I think I got that right

"To get to camp, it'll roughly take you about 3 hours to get there. You will be staying at the foot of that mountain."
"They why did we come up this mountain then?" Asked (shouted) kirishima.
We all began to head back to the bus but before Anyone could get near it the ground pretty much split in two and we began to fall down the mountain. Ochako surprisingly didn't use her quirk but I sure did. I wasn't in the mood for breaking my arm so I glided down the ice the rest of the way.

"Do we really have to walk through a boring forest?" Mineta mumbled while trudging into the woods and running back out seconds later. Earth monster things were walking out. I looked up and saw some flying too. I froze the ground and told them I was going up.
They should have about a minute to do anything before those things break out of the ice.
I took to the air, battling with these are gremlins but they just kept on coming.

After about an hour and a half later I finally got all of the ones at the sky. So I decided to just head to the camp.

First one back, I'll make a start on putting my things away.
I walked up to the one that I think is called mandalay to ask where all of our bags were.
"Your finished? Where's everyone else?"
"I finished first. I must have taken hundreds of them on you know."
"Which area did you take?"
"The sky," I pointed upwards.
She was gob smacked.
"I made 362 of them."
"Well that explains it."
"How long have you been here?"
"Like half an hour?"
"I guess so."
"W-well what is it you wanted to ask me?"
"Do you know where our bags are?"
"They're just round the corner still on the bus."
362 gremlin pterodactyl things? That's pretty impressive well done Shoto you deserve a pat in the back.

Arriving at the bus, I realized that mr aizawa was asleep on the inside.
*knock* *knock*
"Um sensai? I need to get my bags."
No reply. I tried a few more times but he didn't wake up sooo I froze the locks to get in. I walked in the empty bus and I thought I could be a nice guy and take everyone's bags out for them.
They might be there when I get back
My arms were just covered with bags and a few phones.
I walked back to the camp and put everyone's bags on a table. I grabbed mine and followed the signs that signaled where our rooms were.
I grabbed a futon and laid it down in the corner.
I took my shoes off and laid down and just went on my phone. Next thing I know I was asleep.

Little beans POV:
I'm sooooo tired we've been fighting for like 5 hours until we finally arrived at the camp. We collected our bags and walked to our rooms (all the boys share a room and all the girls share a room) to get changed.
As I walked in I saw a farmiliar head of hair curled up in a ball in the corner "Shoto?"............... he's asleep. As I was taking my shirt off I could hear small whimpers. I looked at Todoroki. Is he crying or something?
I pulled my black tank top over my head as I walked over to him.
He's shaking a lot but his eyes are shut. I think he's having a bad dream.
I started to rub his back and stroke his head to try and calm him down. I couldn't see his face properly since he was facing the walk.

After about 5 minutes of this, he was calm and he stopped crying and trembling. I don't know what got into me but I began to stroke his right cheek. Cold. With that he flipped over to face me but he was still asleep as he nuzzled his cheek into my palm. Cute. So cute. I began to stroke his left cheek. Walm. I like this quirk. Todoroki started to nuzzle his cheeks into both of my palms and a small smile formed on his face. Why is this SO cute??
"Midoriya what are you doing?" I looked at the door way. "Kirishima come look!" I whisper shouted.
"What is it?"
He looked at the sleeping Shoto and and back at me. "Why is he low key kinda cute?"
I chuckled and kirishima told me that food was gonna be ready soon.
"I'll be back as soon as I get this one awake."
"See ya!"
My focus went back onto Shoto. I want food.
I began to poke his lower stomach that was peeking out the bottom of his shirt
"Shoto wake up."
"Mmmm no."
"Do you want food? I'm pretty sure there's soba!"
"Did somebody say soba?" His eyes fluttered open slightly and his low grumbly voice spoke. That sound sexy as hell.
"Why are your hands so warm?" He looked up at me. "I dunno. It's probably because of the weird trip down here. It took like 5 hours."
"How many did you get?"
He began to sit up and run his fingers through his hair. "56 I think?"
"And that took you five hours? Really?" I nodded.
"Why how long did you take mister show off?" I crossed my arms and pouted.
"An hour and a half." I looked at him and narrowed my eyes. He knew what I was trying to ask. He took a big yawn while talking. "362." "362?!" "That's what I just said." "WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?!" "Jeez don't have to be so loud." "Sorry hehe" I rubbed the back of my neck. "I got back and went to the bus, got all the bags and phones that were left on the bus and put them on that table and just went to sleep." "How long ago was that?" He looked at his phone "about 4 and a half hours ago." "Hm." I pouted "well your missing out on all the soba." "Oh shit yeah."

Shotos POV:
We began to walk outside and was met by kirishima. "Nice sleep then?" I nodded my head "no homo u actually looked adorable all snuggled up in Midoriyas hands." I started to blush abit and I pulled my sweater over my head, put my hood up and pulled the strings. "Well at least I didn't take any pictures ya know. Midoriya was pretty unlucky though. I took screen shots. So I have black mail!" "DELETE THEM NOW!" They started to have their little thing while I went to get food.
I always get flustered around izuku but like I don't even know why or anything. Maybe I should ask someone? Let's I am not asking Mina

"Mina I need your help!"
"What is it bro?"
"Is the red and the white separated properly?"
"Are you trying to impress someone?"
"N-no..." I started to blush slightly. "Who is she is she in our class? Oh or mayyybe it's one of those smoking hot boys?!" I blushed even more. "N-NO..."
"I think I know who it is! Is it Midoriya?"
She started to stand on her chair in class before mr aizawa walked in but everyone had already arrived. "GUESS WHAT EVERYONE TODOROKI HAS A C-wus Om iwuwu wigoriya!" Her voice was muffled by me covering her mouth with my hand and I pulled her arm which made her step off the chair.
I smirked. I grabbed her waist from behind and pulling her closer to me. "Maybe I like him or maybe I don't....but what if I like someone else....?" I whispered in her ear but with a lower voice. I let go of her waist leaving her flustered. I turned around to walk back to my seat. Mina tried to turn around to talk to me again but she couldn't. I froze her torso but not thick enough for her to get hypothermia or anything. I chuckled.

End of flashback

I decided I would talk to yaoyorozu about it.

I tapped her shoulder
"Um yaoyorozu? Can I talk to you for a minute?" She turned around "sure go ahead."
"THERES too many people can only like you and them two come to a more private place?" I pointed at Asui and invisibility girl that I don't really know the name of.

We walked inside the forest a bit and I leant up against the tree. "So what did you want to talk about?" "I don't know what's happening to me." They looked at me confused. I even knew see through was even confused.
"Everytime I go near a specific person I start to heat up and get all flushered and I want to be around them a lot and stuff. What does that mean?" They all looked at me as they were smirking. Yes even see through. "Who is it?" Asui asked. I started to blush and I looked away from them and to the ground. "Um I-its m-mid-Midoriya...." i muttered out. "What was that all I heard was stuttering?"
"I-it's m-Midoriya..." I said a bit louder. A few squeals and 'i knew its' later they finally calmed down. "What does all of that mean?" I kept on begging. "I think you..." yaoyorozu poked me on the shoulder quite hard, ".....have a crush on broccoli boi over there!" She pointed to Midoriya who was rubbing the back of his neck and giggling. I started to go a deep red color. "No matter what DONT TELL MINA!" "Um ribbit,"

We walked back out and the girls sat back down in their group and I walked to an empty table after picking up some soba.

Yaoyorozus POV:
We headed back to our group with a plan in mind. We needed to find a way to not tell Mina thought. I know. I took my phone out and I made a group chat with everyone but Mina. I feel sorry for her though. The group chat was called operation ship makers. We quickly texted what was happening and typed in full
caps that they can't tell Mina.

As soon as all the texts were sent, everyone started to hand money out to each other.

At least I get $160 sweet bucks outta this.
And with that we all came up with a plan.
A game of ultimate truth or dare!

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