Heros vs villains

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Shotos POV:
As we got into class we saw we were the last people to arrive so we just sat down and spoke until the bell went.

we were all in our seats when the door flew across the room hitting the wall. We all wondered what was happening. "I AM HERE!"
A booming voice called out and as you would have expected All Might walked through the door. "ALL MIGHT!" Midoriya started to mumble again "deku SHUT UP!" "S-sorry kacchan,"
"Anyways we have all of your costumes sorted so if you want to wear them for today's activity you can," All Might presses a button on the desk and cases with numbers started to come out of the walls "the assigned numbers that you have written at the corner of you desk is the number brief case your costume is in," "now get changed and meet me at arena 1." "YES SIR!" We all exclaimed as we collected our costumes.
As I was changing into my costume, I looked towards Midoriya and shot my eyes away. I started to sweat. He was wearing a green and white body suit that was just tight enough to see his abs and his biceps. His ass was showing too. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
I walked into arena 1 wearing a black v neck with a blue jacket on the top with matching blue sweatpant like bottoms with white boots and a white belt to finish it off with a chest brace. I needed to stay warm while using my ice.

We were told what the rules are then we were put into teams. Midoriya was with the brown haired girl that got infinity on the throwing activity yesterday. I believe her quirk is anti-gravity.
Bakugo was with a blue haired boy with glasses and he had jets, I think, coming out of his calfs. I think his quirk is engine. I was with someone that could duplicate parts of their body.

First was Midoriya vs bakugo.
I didn't really watch a lot of the match but it caught my attention when bakugo blasted one of his bombs towards Midoriya and all might shouted "ITLL KILL HIM!" And I heard through the ear piece bakugos booming voice "IT WONT IF HE DODGES!" M-m-Midoriyas gonna die?! No he won't die Shoto you know he can dodge he won't die he'll be fine he's ok! My train of thought was broken when I heard a voice "TEAM MIDORIYA WIN!"

I looked at the screen as Midoriya fell unconscious. I couldn't think of anyone else except for izuku as I ran into the building. I found him and slowly picked him up I used my quirk to slide out of the building since there was a massive hole in the wall leading outside.

I fell to my knees in the middle of what I think is supposed to be a main road. I put Midoriyas legs on either side of my waist and I wrapped my arms around him. My left around his waist and my right further up his back. I put my forehead on the side of his neck and just stayed like that until recovery girl arrived. I placed him on the stretcher and watched it roll away. Kirishima told me it was ok and slapped my back "recovery girls quirk is amazing. He'll be back good as new!"
"Thanks I guess."
"It's your go todoroki!"
I walked into a new building. I was on the hero side. The person I was with duplicated one of his tentacle things into an ear and another into a hand. He put up four fingers. I walked to the fourth floor and froze everything. I walked into all of the rooms until I found the room with the dummy bomb. I put my hand on the side of the bomb and we automatically won. As soon as my go was finished I slipped out of the arena and went to find the infirmary.

I was walking up and down the corridors for what seemed like an eternity when I finally found it. I lightly knocked on the door and recovery girl answered
"I'm here to see Izuku Midoriya I want to know if he's ok?"
"Ahh yes come in but he's still asleep."
I walked in as she opened the door some more. I saw him on a bed, unconscious and wrapped in bandages. I grabbed a chair and placed it next to his bed. I held his hand in between both of mine. I hated seeing people I cared about the most get hurt and this boy is one of the only people that cared for me too. I couldn't help but wrap him in my embrace. A tear rolled down my cheek but i wiped it away quickly and squeezed my eyes shut. I stayed like that for quite a while until I felt two arms wrap around me and a weak voice whisper in my ear "you like hugs don't ya,"
my eyes shot open and I pulled away
"y-your awake," 
he chuckled as recovery girl walked up to the bed
"I think Midoriya needs some rest and knowing mr aizawa he'll worry about you so you must get back to class."
"Your right. Bye Izuku get well soon."
I said as I walked out and headed to class.

As soon as I walked in, I was bombarded with questions by everyone about Midoriya well everyone apart from bakugo who was getting a scolding by half the girls but I could clearly see that he was asleep.  I answered some of the questions and walked over to the girl that was on the same team as izuku. I whispered in her ear.
"he's asleep by the way. You might wanna make him float. And Midoriyas ok, I thought you might want to know because you get flustered every time you look at him." Her face went from a smirk to a blushing mess.
"O-ok thank you my names Ochaco uraraka by the way,"
I put my hands in my pockets and walked to my desk. I sat down to watch the show.

Uraraka put her hand on bakugos shoulder which sent him slowly floating towards the ceiling.
"Aww but it won't be any fun if I let you down though."
At this point his back hit the ceiling.
"Fine I'll let you down. RELEASE!"
Bakugo fell from the roof hitting his desk then falling to the floor leaving him winded on the ground.
Mr aizawa walked through the door.

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