Ultimate fight with a bad ending

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Shotos POV:
"HES YOUR WHAT?!" I could tell bakugo was shocked.

"I don't believe you! My brother died 7 years ago." I was too shocked to believe anything that was coming out of this mans mouth.
This so called Touya activated his quirk. His quirk was unique. His fire was as blue as his and my eye. Cremation. "B-but Father said that you were in the bathroom and no one could open the door..." "THAT MAN WANTED ME DEAD, HES WANTED ME DEAD SINCE YOU WERE BORN! I WAS GOING TO BE HIS FAVOURITE UNTIL YOU CAME ALONG!" "IT WAS TORTURE LIVING WITH THAT MAN! I wish I could fight you to settle this but I just can't" I had a small trick up my sleeve.

"Looks like we can fight now little bro!"
I smirked "Fine!" He must have forgot! I made fire in one hand and ice in the other.
He blasted his blue flames towards me which only felt like a warm gust of wind.
"What the fuck!" He was quite shocked. "You were jealous of me when we were younger. You would use you quirk against me but that's when we figured out I was resistant to your flames." "Shit!"
I froze him to the spot and made sure it was thick so it would take him a while to melt through.
"Bakugo thats our queue to leave now."we began to run the opposite direction.

As we ran through, bakugo ran into someone. Shōji. But he was wrapping his arms around something. "Who's on your back?" He unraveled his arms. "Izuku! What happened to him?" "I...I was fighting a.....villain that went...for Kota..." "he really needs some rest doesn't he?" "Which one was it?" I asked as we began to walk along the path. "M-muscular.." I was pretty impressed. "Wow!"

"STOP! PLEASE!" There were cries for help through the trees followed by screams and crunches. 
"Oh god.." we ran through to see tokoyami and dark shadow but dark shadow was huge. "GET AWAY FROM ME!"
"Oh fuck. Bakugo we need to use fire to make it lighter." "Why?" "Just do it.." "tch. Fine." After a few attempts of making it lighter we managed to tame dark shadow down back to his weird cheeky self.

"Oh that boys so cute! I could just stab him!" A psychotic voice squealed from behind us. "OH FOR FUCK SAKE! ITS HER AGAIN!" Midoriya managed to get down from shojis back and turned to face this blonde girl with space buns. She had a whole bunch of knives and tubes.
"Oh fuuuuuuuuuck it's toga." I said remembering that face from miles away. "No matter what you do don't let her needles or knives cut or pierce you." "Why?" "It's her quirk."

"Aaahh Shoto u haven't seen you since middle school you gay little prick!" "Oh god sake! Is that because I wore a necklace?" "Yeah! And may I say that one time in 6th grade your blood tasted wonderful!" "I dont wanna talk to you anymore..." I froze a path towards her but she dodged it. "Why is it that half the people I know become villains?"

She came running towards izuku and pounced on him. "Oh my goodness you look so delicious! And that friend of yours over there is coming with us!" Wait us? "Who's us?" "Can't you see Shoto there's  more than just me ya know!"

I looked around and a man with a hood, the same man with blue hair and hand mask, someone in a full body costume who looked like a walking copyright infringement of Deadpool the same purple smoke person and obviously Touya (dabi).

Oh fuck!
"Hey bro, that friend of yours there is coming with us." "What do you mean?" "We want little boom boom boy over there." "YOU TOO?! WHY THE FUCK IS EVERYONE CALLING ME THAT?!"

The hooded person started to walk towards bakugo but as much as I hated him I did need to help him.
The hooded man pulled a marble out of his pocket "oh fuck.." I mumbled. He through the marble towards porcupine but I stepped infront before it could hit him and then everything turned a weird blue color. "LET ME OUT!"  It felt like a zorb ball. "SHOTO!" I could hear Midoriya shout out.

"Hey dabi! Take him. He's your brother after all." I felt the whole thing shake as I was thrown through the are into Touyas hands
"So little bro, who's that little boyfriend of yours?" I was on my hands and knees. "What are you talking about?" "What's his name....izuku?" "What are you gonna do to him?" "Nothing. I just want you and that bakugo over there......and oh looks like we have you both now."

I couldn't even talk. I didn't even know what was happening that's when I returned back to my normal self and I started to run forwards "SHOTO!" Izuku reached out his hand and I reached out mine. My wrist was grabbed from behind as I tried to grab midoriyas hand. "IZUKU!" Was the last thing I remember until a dark purple took over my whole body.

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