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Quick little key-
Moody - bold
Ms. Stacy - regular
You - italics

Every day Moody Spurgeon wrote me little notes in class. Every day I wrote him back. Every day Ms. Stacy made us read them aloud.

Since it became a routine, we decided to have fun with it. Dramatically reciting our dialogue in a way that would make Anne Shirley-Cuthbert proud. Or even writing down foolish things such as how dreamy everyone thinks Gilbert Blythe is and how we believe he's over-rated (with a quick joking wink to Gilbert)
Today Ms. Stacy was not prepared for our interaction.

"Did it hurt?" Moody started.

"Oh God" Ms. Stacy almost giggled under her breath, with a hand to her mouth to hide her entertainment.

"Did what hurt?" I laughed out.

"When you fell from heaven, angel."

The class giggled.

"Well I was wondering something." I tapped my chin.

"What is it?"

"If you happen to have an map because I got lost in your eyes."

"Please stop." Her hand covered her smile.

Another round of laughs.

"Do you happen to have a bandage? I believe I scraped my knee falling for you."

"You must be a broom, because you swept me off my feet."

"I believe your father is a thief, he clearly stole all the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes."

"Well I think you're a thief, you definitely stole my heart."

"Kiss me if I'm wrong but-"

"Okay enough." Ms. Stacy cut Moody off with a large smile. "As much as we all love our little comedy series, we must get back to work."

The class settled down and started clapping, while we bowed as if we had just finished a play starring only the two of us.

"Children, that's quite enough. Settle down now." Ms. Stacy turned back to the board, no doubt to hide her grin.

Moody winked at me and I blew him a joking kiss. He pretended to catch it and pressed it to his heart with a smile. We both turned towards the front and tried to focus on the algebra on the board.

While I tried my hardest, I simply could not pay attention. I couldn't stop thinking about Moody. How his hair fell perfectly in his face. How every time he looks at me, my stomach erupts with butterflies- no, butterflies, birds, bees, lightning bugs, ladybugs. Anything that can flutter around. He had started the flirting competition, and it went on for much longer than Ms. Stacy decided we should perform it. Each time I look at him, he seems to already be looking at me, and we both immediately dart our heads back to the board, our faces colored a crimson red.

When school was finally over, I rushed to grab my things and start back home. I was about to walk out the door, when something -or someone rather- stopped me. I turned quickly to see a sweater right in front of my face, but then looked up and noticed his warm, spruce colored eyes. He smiled down at me. God, his smile could make me explode. I'm telling you, he could stab me and I would probably thank him.

"Mind if I walk you home?" He inquired. I didn't trust myself to talk, so I simply shook my head with a stupid grin on my face and started leading him on the path to my house through the woods.

"Which would win in a fight, a bear or a shark?"

"On land or in water?"

A beat

"In water."

"What the hell is a bear doing in salt water?"

"I don't know just answer the question!"

"Neither, they become friends and help each other hunt for fish, *cough* despite their saltwater/freshwater differences *cough*"

"I swear to God."

I love that with Moody, there is never a silent moment that is uncomfortable or awkward . Every day there is laughter. But today something was different. He seemed to be debating himself in his mind.

"What's wrong?" I turned around to him.

"Nothing," he kept walking. "It's just-" he stopped and faced me and became silent.

"You know you can tell me anything." I grabbed his larger hands in mine and looked him straight in the eyes. Jesus, his eyes kill me.

"All those jokes I wrote in the note," he said tentatively. I made a 'yeah' noise. "They weren't just jokes. I think you're fantastic, and beautiful, and incredible, and I really did fall for you."

"Oh" my smile spread larger with every word he said.

"And it would be an honor if you would allow me to court you." He said hopefully.

"Oh!" I jumped up to reach his neck and wrapped my arms around it. "I would like that very, very much, Moody." I pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek and loosened my grip while still having my arms around him. I smiled up at him and him down at me, and we stayed there for what felt like forever, just staring and smiling. Eventually we started walking hand in hand towards my house, arms swinging to and fro.

Once we reached my home, I dropped his hand and turned towards him with my back against the door.

"Thank you for walking me, and for everything you said." I looked down.

"You're welcome, and everything I said was true." He lifted my chin to meet his gaze. We looked at each other, soaked in each other's presence and wished this moment could last for years, but I had to go inside, and I'm sure both of our mothers are worried about us being late.

I kissed him on his cheek again, and scurried inside. Once inside, I waited against the door for a moment and let everything sink in. The boy I have been in love with since I was ten years old feels the same way about me, and we are a couple now. Wow.

I twirled around the kitchen humming a lovely tune, but stopped abruptly.


I bolted out of my home to the Andrews' household. I climbed the tree closest to Prissy's room, opened her window, and fell in with a loud thump.


I wrote this at 2 in the morning :)

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