Dating Josie would Include

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- She has been in love with you as soon as you two met
- you used to think she was the bitchiest person alive and found it SO ATTRACTIVE
- you two became amazing friends and the worlds bitchiest duo ever
- you two never really talked about relationships, you just started to make out one day and never stopped, and decided to only make out w each other
- neither of you told ANYONE
- 100% of your arguments are caused by internalized homophobia
- you have to remind her that there is NOTHING wrong with either of you
- after you two got together she became so much happier and stopped being so rude for no reason
- like if anyone deserved it you let her be as bitchy as she wanted
- but if she went after someone's looks or intelligence, or anything they couldn't control, you made it known that you didn't like it
- now making fun of someone's character, that's a different story
- you tell her she's beautiful each and every day
- after you two leave for queens you room together
- she wears her hair straight because you told her you liked it
- of course you love her hair any way she wears it but you know it hurts her head and she can't really fall asleep with her hair in curls
- so you told her you like it better straight
- you rub her head at night so she falls asleep better
- she loves sleeping in your arms
- after queens you two live together
- her mother is so disappointed she didn't marry a nice man
- but luckily neither of your parents suspected anything so they didn't stop you
- you love each other so much it terrifies the both of you
- you never did find people you could trust like Josephine Berry, but that's bc neither of you trust anyone
- but despite you two only trusting each other, you couldn't be happier

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