Dating Diana Would Include

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- Anne writing stories about the two of you
- never telling her parents
- or yours
- Aunt Josephine is SO HAPPY for the both of you
- so are Cole, Ruby, and Anne
- Marilla and Matthew support you wholeheartedly and if your parents ever did anything to either of you, they'd throw hands
- for that period of time when Moody had a crush on her, you were SO JEALOUS
- she found it adorable
- she's always giving you gifts
- jewelry
- flowers
- sweets
- hair combs and ribbons
- you find it so attractive when she's passionate about something
- also when she speaks French 😍😍
- y'all's parents think you two are best friends
- spending the night together at queens
- she fits perfectly in your arms and smells so good
- Anne fangirling with Cole all the time about you two
- having Anne read y'all to sleep
- finding Emily Dickinson poems and reading them to her
- going on picnic dates all the time
- lots of wine and cheese spreads
- always telling her you love her
- lots of affection behind closed doors
- the first time you two kissed you both cried bc you just love each other so damn much
- Anne coming to you both with Gilbert issues bc you two are the best couple she knows
- Josie Pye low-key having a suspicion abt you two but she loves being friends with both of you so she doesn't say anything
- after queens you two lived together right next to Anne and Gilbert
- loving Aunt Josephine's parties and taking home flowers every time
- meeting the most interesting people and finding people who are accepting of your love
- getting married at one of the parties
- Anne "officiates" the wedding
- your rings match and they're so pretty
- you two love each other so much and it doesn't matter that other people don't know it, as long as you two do.

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