Dating Billy Would Include

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- you realizing you're too good for him and leaving him immediately 🤮🤮

- jkjkjkjk
- not even in a sexual way, he's just holding your hand or has his arms around your waist or shoulders or walking with you arm in arm
- you convince him to stop being mean to people :)
- but it takes a while :(
- but it made you sad and nothing bothers him more than when ur sad
- except of course when you get mad and stop talking to him
- "baby, please talk to meee, yell, scream, just speak please!"
- silence
- moping around when you're not talking to him
- long dramatic sighs that annoy everyone
- they all just want you to talk to him again so that he'll stop
- calling you
- baby
-my love
- doll
- darling
- gorgeous
- my wife
- his sisters LOVE YOU
- even more than he does
- he used to be such a happy boy and then he became so angry, but you brought their sweet happy brother back
- that's why his mother also adores you
- his father also thinks you'll be great for the family reputation
- Prissy Andrews is your best friend and you two would die for each other and you're both so excited to be sisters
- he's lowkey jealous that his sisters get more attention than he does
- he would never even dream of hurting or disrespecting you ever
- bc if he did his whole family would have his head
- playing w his hair ALWAYS
- he's so in love with you it baffles everyone
- all the kids at school tell you that they can physically see him happier now that you two are together
- basically he just loves you so so much he can't wait to marry you so hard and have a whole hockey team of children

AWAE x reader imagines and oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang