Chapitre 3 Time

17 1 0


Fluffy horses.

Eye pointing in front, maybe predators, but they don't act like ones, maybe a wolf-dog situation? A beak like a albatros, but white, so they eats meat, but no meat here, maybe omnivores? Or are they for hunting? Probably.

Domesticated, maybe breaded for wool too. Only two, but enough place for a dozen, the others escaped or were taken, most likely the latter. Rideable, some saddles on the walls, metod of transport too.

I decide to instal the saddles on them, figuring what goes were easily since its not to different from horses ones. While doing that I hear Zane and Tat talking in the background, they are not talking to me so they are probably arguing.

I block the sound to focus on the Fluffy horses, the white one, female, completely calm, golden eyes, I name her Sib. The spotted one, male, a bit fidgety, blue eyes so he may be younger, I name him Paul.

All saddled up i look around for grooming tools, if we are going to have them on our journey, may as well take care of them. I find a pouch inside some brushes, good enough. I attach the pouch to my waist but hiding it under my hoodie.

Seeing the others took the fight outside I lead the beasts to join them. I see them trowing passive agressive insults at each other, i mean, i think it is, i'm never sure whit those kind of things.

I don't stop them, if I do I would become part of a conflict i have no idea how to resolve.

From the corner of my eye, i see a light reflection.

Oh shiny!

I pick up the mistery objet and realize whit delight that its a dagger.

Half the length of my forearm, it's kind of like a machete but the form is one of a dagger, maybe for gutting, but its appearance makes me think it may be ceremonial.

The blade in itself is pure silver, at least in colour, at its base some black vains seemed to pulse and glow. One one side are some feathers engraved in the blade. The entire handle is pure black, a great leather texture. Under the pummel however is a seal, a circle in its center a falcon, the lines are silver like the blade. Its very balanced overall, perfect for self defence.

Maybe this was some sort of family heirloom. I put the blade in my pouch, the pouch is big enough for me not to worry the sharp blade wont slash thought.

This is a dangerous place, whit no birds and mass genocide, I know. So even if that blade is important, i still need something to defend myself.

It's not like my good spirit is going to do anything.


It's been a few hours now, and the others are still arguing. Tat must have really made Zane tick this time.

But they are making us loose precious time and sunlight. Ive let Paul and Sib roam freely. No need to make them wait like I do. Stiff and unmoving, siting on the ground. 

But it's frustrating, I don't even understand why they are arguing. Zane is a secret spy. Okay, he must have had his reason to not tell us, it's not like there is secret in the name. Lied to us our entire lives? I don't think so, and even if it was true, it would actually be only one big lie.

He may have found our mother? My mother is the woman who raised me since I was two. Said woman is a mutant, and that means we may also be? I figured something was up when i was ten!

Not like i was going to tell them anyway. That stuff is pretty personal and not relevant to this situation.

I wonder if Tat is so on edge because of the interdimensional jump. Maybe, what do i know?

Should I be on edge? Yelling and not getting anything done? Nah, I prefer staying calm, like Zane. Even if he is also on edge and yelling. But at least he does stuff.

I watch them argue for another what I think is an hour before I decide to intervine.

How do adults stretch out banters into fights for so long period of time?

I get up and go to grab the fluffy horses leaches, they follow me whit-out a fuss. I see some blood on Seb's beak, self sustentable, that going to help.

I walk in the middle of the two, and breathe when they stop talking to look at me.

What do i say again, this was a bad idea.

Wait yes, sunlight, and we need to find help before we die, right.

I keep my eyes on the horizon to avoid any sing of conflict.

''The sun is going down, we should find some help. We cant stay here and hope we magically get home.''

I wait.

My heart is pumping in my chest.

Please don't yell, please don't yell.

I hear Tat moving closer to me.

''Yea... we should leave... this place is creeping me out.''

Zane agrees whit a hum and comes also closer.

I mont Paul, the felling being so similar to a horses i know its going to go well.

I invite Tat to sit behing me. And Zane mounts Sib.

We ride in silence, thank Gods.

But there is still tension in the air.

I focus on going home and the feeling of the leach in my hands.

My family must be freaking out. Except if Nya is still there, then she must have covered for me. I wonder how Jacky is taking it taught.

Probably worst than me. But it's not even been an entire day, so who am I too say?

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