Chapitre 7 Sharp edges

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Tatiana punched me.

Sloopy, it did litle to no damage.

''Tatiana, what are you doing?'' I ask her, tone as neutral as can be.

She only grunts as she goes for another strike, I catch her fist, quickly.

In that moment i stare right into her eyes, wide, dilated, full of rage.

She's gone berserk.

I relase her fist, she steps back.

I ready myself in a deffensive pose, shoulders relaxed, just befor she attempts to kick me in the guts, i catch her leg and spin it to make her fall to the ground.

As she hit the ground she shrieks, quickly backing up crawdering her right wrist in her hand. The initial blow must have stained it.

''I know you don't mean to hurt me, dear, but you know i wont just stand there and let you beat me.'' I call to her.

She snaps her head up, shaking off the pain while getting up. A newfound sence of Danger emaning from her eyes.

We begin to circle eachother, her stanse is and predatory while mine is stiff and calm. In the back of my head, i hope that Louise is staying put. As right now she is only a few feet behind me.

As we walk in circle, we get closer to eachother, weihting eachother and looking for a opening.

Never one to be patient she stikes first. Screaming, she punch me again, i deviate the blow and puch her back whit my hand flat. She grits her theet at me, frustrated.

She may be taller than me now, but seeing how she fractured her own wrist, she never took the time to learn how to fight propely. But that did not mean she wasnt capable of damage, even to her own person.

She stikes again, and again, her growing ever so frustrated as i deflect all of her attacks.

I notice her getting faster and faster, kicks and becoming more precise. Becoming harder to dodge and block.

She gets down to swipe away my legs, I jump, when she is back up she launches her fist to my face, I block her as she trows a handfull of dirt into my eyes.

Momentarely blinded she punches my troat, hard, and takle me to the ground.

At that moment, before either of us reaches the ground, i hear a shuffle and Tatiana is no longner on top of me.

I slam into the ground.

Gasping for air, I quickly turn my head to see Louise on top of Tatiana, trying to hold her down by the arms.

Trying behing the key word as the older sister easely frees her hand from the weak grip and grasp her sister by the troat.

Using her hold she slams Louise's head into the ground, flipping herself on top.

I get up.

Tatiana takes a sharp rock from the ground whit her free hand as Louise is strugeling. Raising her hand whit murderous inten. And as she stikes I shove her of.

Screams are herd.

To the side, I restrain her, squeezing her neck. She strugles, but after what feels like a eternety the lack of incoming oxigen slows her down and she passes out. Limp in my harms I lay her down beside me.

Raising my head to check on Louise.

She was sitting up, short and sharp breath escaping her mouth as she holds herself. Her eyes looking at a shining object on the ground.

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