Chapitre 4 Sunset

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I am not in control.

This bothers me.

But what bothers me most is the fact a child is aparently leading us.

Louise is looking forward, she is not bothered, nor disturbed. She is fine whit all that is happening, and as befrended the first creatures we met.

This does not make sense.

I was trained to lead, to get myself out of situation like this. I would have understood if Tatiana would have taken the lead, she's smart, bit of a temper, but she would do anything to protect her sister.

And yet, small quiet Louise is the one who found us a ride.

We are riding toward the sitting sun. We don't talk, i know if i try to talk to Tatiana she would begin another fight, how she manages to do fight over anything ill never know. And if i try to talk to Louise, Tatiana would probably not allow it, i don't think she would have awnsered anyway.

So silence is probably best for now.

I wish it could be otherwise.


eleven years ago

''I don't want to go!'' A young and pouting Tatiana said, crossing her arms over her chest.

I sigh, kneeling in front of the girl.

''Tatiana, look, you have to go. You have a troubling beavior. Your nightmares, your tampertantrums, you trew a chair out a window for christ's sake!''

Tatiana shook her head.

''Kid, I need you to work whit me here. Just one session, you are the one that asked me to help you. This doctor specialise in kids like you.''

''I dont trust doctors...''

''Tatiana I swear... you trust me right? You know i would never let anyone hurt you?''

Tatiana think for a second and then nods.

''Then i need you to trust me that this doctor wont hurt you, I promise''

Tatiana looks up at me.

''You promise?''

I raise up my hand.

''Pinky promise.'' I smile.

My smile is as dead as my eyes, but the child smiles in return, completly trusting, locking her pinky finger whit mine.



''We should stop for the night.'' I say, seeing the sun going down. Then i drop to the ground.

I see Louise stoping hers, looking relived. And before she can set a foot down, Tatiana stops her.

''And why should we?''

This child lost so much faith in me that she will even ignore the most simple of logics?

''We need sleep, and the beasts to rest. We wont go far if we cant see the road.''

Not to mention that we cant exacly know if this place is safe at night or what kind of creatures roam in the shadows and a million other reasons.

But i keep that last part to myself, no need to revive the flames.

''Well alright then.'' She gets to the ground pouting and then helps Louise, ever looking at the ground.

We set up camp mostly easely.

We were able to make a camp fire and colected enought wood for the night.

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