Chapitre 5 one punch

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Im in a dream again.

But i don't think it's mine. I have the same feeling than whit other of my weird dreams, but no purple.

It's all white.

Im in a room, standing. The room as tree walls one of them whit bars. This is a cell.

Quite big, spotless, and no visible light source but it is quite flashy.

There are two people siting against opposite walls. I recognize them, its the people from the airoport. The lady Lou knew, cuffed and my maybe mother, uncuffed.

Jacky is not here, I decide to stay still and let the dream do its thing.

But nothing happens.

I wait and wait, but still, nothing.

Weird-er than usual.

I walk toward Lou's friend, kneeling down.

'ey' i say, but my voice is just an echo and she does not hear me.

But the one stirs and looks up at me. She then gets up, catching the attention of Lou's friend.

''Tree? Whats wrong?''

So her name is Tree.

Tree points at me and tries to say something, but only ragged sounds get out of her mouth.

The other one gets up as well.

''Tree calm down, I cant read your mind anymore. Slow down.'' She says, somewhat calmly.

Then Tree goes up to the other and grabs her arm, still looking at me.

'you can see me?' i ask her.

She nods in responce. Then starts tracing letters on the exposed part of the other's arm.

''The thief?'' she says.

Tree nods and continues.

''The thief's sister? What about her?''

I gess that the thief is Jacky.

Tree then points at me. But she still cant see me.

Getting frustrated Tree keept tracing on the arm.


''The Thief's sister, here?'' She scans the room.

''Are you sure?'' Tree nods again.

'I don't think she can see or hear me, Tree.' I say, my voice still like an echo.

''Witch one?'' she ask, then tree put her hand high on the air,  meaning the tallest.

I don't think this is a dream anymore. But i'm still calm, how the freak.

''Ello? I am Nya. I'm friends whit Lou.''

'I know'

Tree ralise the message.

''Im pretty sure why i cant see or hear you is because of the cuffs, they are bloking my abilities or something.'' Nya says.

I look at the cuffs, they are blocky and covering the entirety of Nya's hands. I get closer to inspect them, and when i try to touch them, my hand phases right trought it!

A few blue sparkes come from the cuffs and then they open and fall on the ground.

Nya gasp and grabs her head.

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