Chapitre 8 mindscape

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I wake up in pain.

Ears buzzing i hear muffled voices far away.

I try to move and open my eyes, but a sharp pain and a wave of nausea prevents me to do anything.

I can feel myself being pushed down, I don't fight it.

My ears are burning, but as the buzzing calms down, i can't understand what the voices are saying but i can tell the conversation is about me.

I breathe deeply, trying to swallow the pain, witch was a mistake since it only amplifies the nausea.

Definitely a concussion.

The pain numbs down after a moment and my mind clears.

The thing that happened at the aeroport happened again.

When Tat told me...

I can feel the ground i'm on shifts.

The voices raise a bit, the tone of conversation changing. More concerned.

I feel a thug in the back of my head, it's urgent but gentle.

The pain goes away, my body starts to relax.

I'm falling asleep.

But, I don't want to fall asleep! I want to know who is there, who's talking, what is going on!

Did i hurt anyone?

I fight the alien sensation, its becomes stronger and i find myself unable to fight it.

I fall asleep.


To my surprise, i'm still aware as i fall in an endless void. Landing on my feet on an invisible platform.

I turn as i feel the same thug as before, but familiar.

''Who is here?'' I ask the nothing.

I turn again and find standing 6th feet away from me, Nya.

The woman i spied on for weeks. The woman i had a weird felling about. The one who was apparently friends whit my sister? the one who was at the aeroport whit my...

I raise my hands in disbelief and confusion.

''You? What? How? The fuck?'' I manage to say.

Removing her hands from her pockets, she smiles and states.

''Oh thank god this is working!'' to herself then adresses me ''So yea me, your friendly neibohour physhics, hi, please don't freak out.'' She gestures wildly whit her hands as she speak turning to me, looking for my reaction.

The fuck?

''We put you to sleep, yes, but at least i'm here to give you company. We figured it was a better idea to explain to you what is going on in a place you can't obliterate.'' She explains.

Nya tilts her head a little.

''Also because you were in pain and the sedative did not work, woop woop.'' She adds light heartedly.

I mean okay?

''Then... what is going on? I destroyed that place, dint I?''

My mind immediately starts to go a mile a minute listing everything she could now say. Every senario possible floating around my head, from best to worst. Making the space around  frizzle, like a broken tv.

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