Chapter 17: What's Up, Danger Pt. 1

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   "Well, this is unfortunate." Jungkook sarcastically squirmed under the hold that he was forced into. "Can you.. I don't know... give me a second to change?"
  "You can't be serious right now." The creature tilted his head, baffled by the boy's response.
   "Very." The boy annoyingly smirked, using Venom's confusion as a distraction to get out of his grasp.
   He knew that this was gonna be a battle and there was no way his identity could be revealed, regardless if he won or lost.
  Pulling on his suit, Jungkook managed to get the first punch in.
   "Ha, point." Jungkook laughed eagerly before Venom returned a painful hit to his chest into the wall.
    Slinging a web over Venom's face, Jungkook pulled on the web to attempt to release Venom's hold. Unfortunately, it didn't work.
Lost in a state of shock, Jungkook unconsciously gave Venom another chance to strike back, causing him to be thrown out the window.
"Wait, how did you two know that Jungkook was Spiderman?" Jisoo tilted her head in confusion.
   "Well, for me it became obvious the very first time that Spiderman appeared on the news." Taehyung chuckled, thinking fondly of the memory. "I thought it was strange that some guy who saved a bank from being robbed had on the same costume Jungkook had asked me to make him, before there was a Spiderman. It added up as soon as I heard his voice."
   "Oh, but how did you know Joonie?" Y/N asked.
   "I have a 148 IQ, you know." Namjoon shook his head, crossing his arms skeptically. "That and the fact that Jungkook and Y/N were in J.I.'s labs that had the genetically mutated arachnids and the symbiote. Obviously, Jungkook didn't have the symbiote so he had to have been near the spiders. Only someone blood related to the creator of the arachnids could possibly survive. Hence, the last remaining Jeon family member, Jungkook."
    "Okay so that solves that." Y/N blinked.
     "According to the news, a fight has broken out in Seoul between Spiderman and Venom?" Jin furrowed his brows, hand on Namjoon's shoulder. "So if Jungkook is Spiderman, who is Venom?"
    "Doesn't matter." Y/N stood up quickly grabbing her coat. "I think I know exactly where to go. Everyone meet up in Busan, at Jeon Industries, in 10."
Closing the computer, Y/N rushed out the door hoping to make it to Jungkook.
Hanging off the edge by a single web, Jungkook managed to swing himself onto the rooftop, Venom following after him.
    Before he could even throw his next punch, Jungkook was choke slammed into the top of the building.
   "Can't lie, that one really hurt." Jungkook groaned as he felt ringing in his ears. He felt like he was losing in a way. He had just barely started and he could feel pain in his shoulder and blood dripping from his nose. He already was gaining some injuries. He was tired, too.
  "Tired already?" Venom teased menacingly at him. "I think it's easy to say that I'm not one of those petty street thieves you lock up."
  "But you'll still be locked up just like them." Jungkook slowly got up from where he crouched, suffering from the pain spreading throughout his body.
  Though the widespread pain throughout his body burned like no other, Jungkook landed a punch to Venom. Unfortunately for Jungkook, the pain in his body was too much. He couldn't help but to crouch down. He couldn't help but to give up the fight.
   What do I do now? Jungkook thought as he suffered on his knees. I can't win.
    "Jeo- Spiderman!" Jungkook heard from below the building. Curious, he looked down below to see his friends.
"Spiderman!" Namjoon yelled again, the others and the crowd of random people joining in as if it were a cheer.
     "You get up and you win this fight!" He saw Y/N mouth as he used his heightened vision. "You can do it."
   That was when Jungkook knew that he could bear the pain.
                     "I can do this."

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