Monday 1-Cindy's mission

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The sound of the alarm clock wakes me up as usual. I don't want to go, of course but I know that mum will make me. I drag myself into my favourite blue shirt and red skirt. Putting my ginger hair into a plait down my back, I walk with mum down the street not speaking. She tries to engage me in conversation but I'm to frustrated and to scared to care, the school is dangerous but no one believes me when I tell them. When we arrive, I hug her. Hopefully, I get to see her again. Sighing, I look down... and step into kindergarten

I am one of the last to arrive, as usual. Lilly is in the corner sniffling about Billy while Cindy is plotting something, probably trying to put gum in her hair again. Nugget is staring at a wall muttering to himself Jerome and Monty are talking and I can see a YoYo in Monty's pocket. The janitor is mopping the sidewalk, for some reason that I dare not ask, and Miss Applegate is guarding the door. I sit between Nugget and Lilly as I always do.

As Jerome and Monty separate, a boy walks in. He's wearing a blue striped shirt and looks nervous, but excited. I glance at his pocket at the same time as Lilly, we exchange looks. She trusts me and I trust her. I would say she was my friend, I'm not sure if she would say that back. Buggs walks up to the new kid and even though I don't know what he's saying, I can tell he wants his money. I see him give Buggs the money then look around. He approaches Cindy they talk and I can see her flirting with him. She glances around and sneakily hands him something. He then approaches Lilly she looks up at him with distrust on her face she explains to him about Billy and warns him about Cindy. I think we both know that it is already to late about that. He turns around and sees Nugget next I chuckle slightly. Currently, I am trying all of the 'nuggets of friendship' I feel bad that nugget is always alone and want to help him. He hesitates but then he approaches me.
"Hey," he says. I glance at him before saying
"You're new here, aren't you?" Looking surprised he nods "well... word of advice, be careful who you talk to... who you trust. Bad th..." but the bell interrupts me before I can finish. He runs off into class.

When he reaches it, he seems unsure where to sit as everywhere is full. He looks around me and Lilly are sitting together Jerome and Monty sit on the next table. Buggs and Cindy sit behind us, and Nugget sits on the slightly lowered floor. I think he's trying to start another 'Nugget Cave'. He walks over and stands behind Cindy. Miss Applegate tells us to get a morning buddy, as usual. I pull out a book and start reading it as best I can. I'm improving but still I'm still not as good as Monty. I suddenly hear a exclamation of "WHAT!" Coming from beside me, turning I see Lilly with gum in her hair and the new boy standing behind her with a grin on his face she starts angrily shouting at him I look at him and say "You haven't trusted the right people and now you don't have a chance to." Before turning my back on him. When I hear his footsteps retreating I look again at him and see Cindy drag him over to play house. I try to say something comforting to Lilly but she doesn't want to hear it so I go back to reading. Frustrated at the boy and angry at Cindy.

At lunch I sat with Lilly half way through she left sighing, I move over to Nugget's table "How do I get the next one?" I ask him curiously. The next nugget of friendship can only be obtained by..." Splat. Buggs's aim is never off and this time is no exception. He hits Nugget squarely on the back of the head. "Nugget will get Buggs if it is the last thing Nugget does" Nugget mutters. He turns back to me and said "The next nugget of friendship can only be obtained by helping Nugget find the pretty Lilly a flower by the end of recess" I agree and Nugget seems pleased. A few minutes before the bell rings, I see the boy that put gum in Lilly's hair leave the lunch hall and Cindy chuckling. I know something is wrong. I follow the boy, before I can see where he went though, I see Lilly standing in front of the principal's office. I pull her away "What do you think you're doing?!" I ask her in a whisper-shout. "If you get caught he-he'll" but the bell rings and we move outside. The new boy is late. I see him go over to Cindy and show her something, giggling. She gasps and whispered something. He climbs up the climbing frame as Cindy calls Lilly over. I try to stop her but she ignores me angry that I stopped her. Apprehensively, I watch as she approaches. Time slows. I see the boy pulling out a bucket. Cindy stepping out of the way. A red liquid dripping down onto Lilly. We both scream. She starts sobbing and runs over to the nugget cave. "Lilly NO!" I shout, but it's already to late. She has already jumped. Miss Applegate approaches Nugget who is standing next to the hole he dug looking mortified. "The... The pretty Lilly..." He mutters she threatens him but before she can do anything, he jumps to. I can hear Cindy cackling in the background. I look over at the boy, furiously. I stare at him, then say as coldly as I can "You chose wrong" I stalked off into the classroom. After show and tell, I went home. Cindy and the boy stayed behind. I ignored mum and went upstairs to cry. Today was so horrible. I wish it would start all over again...

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