Monday 4-Buggs' mission

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The sound of the alarm clock wakes me up as usual. I don't want to go, of course but I know that mum will make me. I drag myself into my favourite blue shirt and red skirt. Putting my ginger hair into a plait down my back, I walk with mum down the street not speaking. She tries to engage me in conversation but I'm to frustrated and to scared to care, the school is dangerous but no one believes me when I tell them. When we arrive, I hug her. Hopefully, I get to see her again. Sighing, I look down... and step into kindergarten

I am one of the last to arrive, as usual. Lilly is in the corner sniffling about Billy while Cindy is plotting something, probably trying to put gum in her hair again. Nugget is staring at a wall muttering to himself Jerome and Monty are talking and I can see a YoYo in Monty's pocket. The janitor is mopping the sidewalk, for some reason that I dare not ask, and Miss Applegate is guarding the door. I sit between Nugget and Lilly as I always do.

As Jerome and Monty separate, a boy walks in. He's wearing a blue striped shirt and looks slightly scared but committed. Buggs approaches him and bullies him for money the boy gives him the money looking pleased with himself. He then walks right over to the teacher, but walks away from her not long after looking disgusted. He then approaches Nugget and starts badgering him about Billy. I wince for Nugget. Billy is a touchy subject, the principle gave him pills like mine and Lilly's. I miss Billy a lot he was my friend and introduced me to Lilly. I tried not to look to sad, not wanting to have to take one of the pills. I glance over to see Nugget gulp down a pill. His eyes glaze over and he starts talking normally. I sigh and look over at Lilly grimacing, I cross my eyes. She sighs and shakes her head. Nugget sends the boy inside to the principal's office. He then approaches me looking pleased with himself. "Are you sad about Billy?" He asks
Looking at him suspiciously, I ask "are you?" After a moment he says
"No, not anymore after I took one of the pills. Do you need a pill? Are you feeling sad?" Sighing, I shake my head. "I think you are lying. Why would you sigh otherwise? I think you need to take a pill. You need to take a pill." I shake my head again "Take. A. Pill." Scared, I shake my head. "Fine then, do you want to go to the office?" I shudder. "Then take one or else I'll make you go in as well." I fumble around in my bag and find a bottle of pills. I hesitate. Before putting one in my mouth. "Good job." He pauses and waits for me to swallow. I close my eyes and swallow. I try to keep it in my cheek but somehow, it makes it way down. A wave of calm passes over me. I faintly hear a familiar voice saying "Are you still sad about Billy?" A voice that sounded like my own, but different replied "Who's Billy?" The figure smiles and walks away. I don't feel in control of my body. I'm feel as if I'm floating away... away...

I wake up and find myself in the middle of morning time. I clutch my head in pain. Lilly is staring at me trying to talk. I shake my head to clear it. She smiles at me in relief when she sees my eyes. "Wha-what happened?" I ask "why are we? What has" The morning is all a blur. I can't remember a thing since I woke up this morning. She tells me about Nugget blackmailing me into taking the pills after the new kid made him upset. "There's a new kid?" I ask interestedly. She points and I see him taking to Monty. And walking towards our desk when I see what's in his hands I shrink back and say " You are not putting that thing ANYWHERE NEAR ME" he looks confused and Lilly does as well but I don't care. The boy walks away. Lilly turns to me questioningly. I tell her that it was one of the devices that the principal gave us and she flinches involuntary. The bell rings and I stagger to my feet, still feeling slightly sluggish from the pills. The new kid produces a pass and declares that he wants to stay with the teacher to eat. Buggs smirks.

At lunch I sit with Lilly as always. My head hurts but I ignore it, it always hurts after the pills. Lilly leaves halfway through lunch looking angry. And, to my surprise, Bugs follows her not long after. I walk over to sit with Nugget apprehensively. "N-Nugget?" I ask cautiously Nugget turns to me and alarmed, I see his eyes are still glazed over. "What is it? Are you sad about... Billy... Billy" his eyes suddenly return to normal and he shakes his head. "Nugget... Nugget is confused. Why is Nugget and Nugget's potential friend at lunch?" I look at him in relief.
"Pills." I say. He looks annoyed. Before he can say anything else, I ask him quickly "how do I get the next one?" To obtain the next NUGGET OF FRIENDSHIP," Nugget says returning to his old self. I grin. "Nugget's potential friend must help Nugget get the pretty Lilly a flower by the end of recess." I agree as the bell rings. My head feeling clearer, I walk outside.

When I see the playground, I freeze. Miss Applegate is not there, the Janitor however is. Before we play, he tells us that Miss Applegate... has been murdered. I gasp in surprise and horror. Sure, she was an addict for the pills and an awful teacher. But she didn't deserve to die. I shake my self. I have to find a flower. I find a lot of dandelions but no real flowers. Finally, a few minutes before the bell is due to ring, I find a pink flower I sprint over to Nugget, Nugget is talking to the new boy who hands him something and then throws something else in the cave. Confused I approach. Nugget is muttering to himself about an evil addition to the Nugget cave. I hand him the flower happily. looks up and hands the the final NUUGET OF FRIENDSHIP. He then pats me on the back and congratulates me. The bell rings and we walk inside I sit next to Nugget and Lilly sits next to us. As we're about to start, the principle bursts in and demands to search us all for weapons. He starts with the new boy. It takes a while but by the end he is sweating and looks angrily around. He then strides out of the classroom.

At the end of the day, my head pain returns. Nugget also looks uncomfortable. I barley notice Buggs and the new boy walking away from everyone else and talking. When I return home, I leave my bag downstairs. Knowing that I might be tempted by more pills. That was the next stage and I didn't want to end up like Miss Applegate. My head pounds and I groan, wishing that the day would start again, so I wouldn't have to take those pills.

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