Monday 2-Miss Applegate's mission

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The sound of the alarm clock wakes me up as usual. I don't want to go, of course but I know that mum will make me. I drag myself into my favourite blue shirt and red skirt. Putting my ginger hair into a plait down my back, I walk with mum down the street not speaking. She tries to engage me in conversation but I'm to frustrated and to scared to care, the school is dangerous but no one believes me when I tell them. When we arrive, I hug her. Hopefully, I get to see her again. Sighing, I look down... and step into kindergarten

I am one of the last to arrive, as usual. Lilly is in the corner sniffling about Billy while Cindy is plotting something, probably trying to put gum in her hair again. Nugget is staring at a wall muttering to himself Jerome and Monty are talking and I can see a YoYo in Monty's pocket. The janitor is mopping the sidewalk, for some reason that I dare not ask, and Miss Applegate is guarding the door. I sit between Nugget and Lilly as I always do.

As Jerome and Monty separate, a boy walks in. He's wearing a blue striped shirt and looks half guilty but half excited. His walk is interrupted when Buggs bullies him into giving him half his money. The boy doesn't seem angry, on the contrary, he seems almost pleased. He marches over to Miss Applegate to rat out Buggs. She tells him something he nods and approaches Buggs again. He starts to taunt Buggs about his dad. Finally, Buggs cracks and starts to beat him to a pulp. The boy grins and shouts for the teacher who sends Buggs to the office. I'm scared but impressed at the kids ingenuity. He then approaches Monty who hands him a recorder. Interested, I watch him approach Cindy, after a short conversation, she shouts something Miss Applegate sends them to the principle's office. The bell rings before they get back.

In class, Buggs comes back in looking murderous but slightly gratified. If the new boy makes it back from the principle's office then he'll have Buggs to deal with. I am surprised when he walks in the door I have no idea what he said to the principal to convince him not to... kill him. I see Lilly staring at him as well. He approaches Miss Applegate and she gives him something before pointing at Jerome. The boy nods. Before approaching Monty and then Jerome. Jerome sounds angry at first but then interested, I know he got his laser pointer taken off of him earlier, I heard him complaining to Monty about it. Jerome walks up to the teacher and after a second so does the new kid. Miss Applegate looks triumphant and sends Jerome to face his father... and his death. Miss Applegate seems impressed and whispers to the boy. Who then approaches Nugget and eats a nugget of friendship. I grimace having seen what those things can do, I know that the boy won't make it to recess.

The bell rings for lunch and as usual, I sit with Lilly. She leaves to do whatever she does out there, as long as she doesn't get killed. It's fine by me. I start over to Nugget's table but see the new boy already there Nugget is pointing at Buggs. The boy nods and as he walks away, I approach Nugget. "Nugget is dealing with Buggs, Nugget does not wish to speak with you now". Offended, I walk back to my table. Suddenly, Buggs collapses on the floor his stomach spilling out his mouth. Nugget seems pleased and gives the boy an antidote. The boy walks over to the janitor and talks to him. He then points at Monty and me. The janitor walks over to me, mop in hand. I shrink back in fear, "What are you doing goin round correctin people's spelling."
"M...Monty is better at spelling than I am... it's not my fault" I quickly say. Inwardly saying sorry to Monty. The janitor strides over to Monty. Who is killed by his mop. The boy walks out of the room after bribing the lunch lady. I follow him, he is very suspicious killing off everyone. He stands in front of the principal's door and knocks I run up behind him and see Lilly, grabbing her I turn to run but the door is already open. The boy tells him that Lilly and I where eavesdropping on him. He raises his gun and shoots us, square between the eyes. Eyes closing, breath and heartbeat fading, I look back on how horrible this day was and wish I could start again.

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