Monday 8-Lilly's mission

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The sound of the alarm clock wakes me up as usual. I don't want to go, of course but I know that mum will make me. I drag myself into my favourite blue shirt and red skirt. Putting my ginger hair into a plait down my back, I walk with mum down the street not speaking. She tries to engage me in conversation but I'm to frustrated and to scared to care, the school is dangerous but no one believes me when I tell them. When we arrive, I hug her. Hopefully, I get to see her again. Sighing, I look down... and step into kindergarten

I am one of the last to arrive, as usual. Lilly is in the corner sniffling about Billy while Cindy is plotting something, probably trying to put gum in her hair again. Nugget is staring at a wall muttering to himself Jerome and Monty are talking and I can see a YoYo in Monty's pocket. The janitor is mopping the sidewalk, for some reason that I dare not ask, and Miss Applegate is guarding the door. I sit between Nugget and Lilly as I always do.

As Jerome and Monty separate, a boy walks in. He's wearing a blue striped shirt and looks filled with determination. He walks over to Lilly and starts talking to her about Billy. She looks surprised, and talks to him excitedly before pointing at me and Monty. The boy walks over to Monty who nods, and holds out his hand the boy shakes his head and walks over to me. "Can you read this?" He asks.
"I'll try," I respond, the land writing is awful but I can make out certain words, about a code. I tell the boy this but also say it will take me a while to decipher as the handwriting sucked. The boy took it out if my hands and strode back over to Monty he nods angrily and hands over some money. Monty takes the note and hands him something. The boy then approaches Nugget and starts badgering him about Billy. I wince, it's a touchy subject, Nugget even has the special pills for it. Sure enough, Nugget gets so upset that he takes one of his pills. His eyes glaze over and I can hear him threatening the Principle's office. The boy taunts him again and gets sent in. Nugget then approaches me. "Are you sad about Billy?" He asks. Suspiciously I reply "are you?" He considers before saying
"No, not after taking my pills. Do you need to take some. Do you feel sad?" I shake my head. "I think hint you are lying. I think you are sad about Billy going missing." I shake my head again. "Take a pill. You are feeling sad, aren't you. You should take a pill." Nugget is getting insistent. I shrink back, not wanting to have to deal with pills. Nugget smiles in triumph. "You look sad. If you don't take a pill, I will send you to the principle's office." Wincing I immediately reach into my bag, not wanting to die. I pull out my bottle nervously. "Go on then. You will feel much... much better" I gulp and put one in, pushing it against my cheek in an effort not to swallow it. Nugget waits for me to swallow. I gulp as gently as I can, the pill moves towards my throat I try to stop it, but it falls down. My mind immediately feels like it's floating away. My voice doesn't sound like my own as it answers a figures voice in front of me "are you feeling sad about Billy?"
"who is Billy?" The figure smiles and walks away. I feel like I'm floating away into blackness and warmth. Sighing happily, I succumb to the calm feeling spreading over my body.

I wake up in morning time, my head pounding. Wincing I look around to see Lilly talking to a new boy. She sees me and gasps in relief "You can help us!" She exclaims happily. She then explains the plan to me. I agree to help. The new boy leaves 'to go to the bathroom'. I look over at Lilly, "ready to find out about your brother?" I whisper. She nods excitedly "you do know he might be..." Lilly nods sadly
"At least I'll have closure. And, the principle can be fired!" I laugh slightly. The pain in my head makes me wince again. Lilly looks concerned but before she can say anything, the bell rings and the boy is back looking queasy and with a bloody bulge in his pocket. I look over at Lilly but she is looking determinedly away from his pocket. As we walk to lunch, I squeeze her hand.

At lunch we get a table with the boy who, after talking to Monty, shows us a bloody finger, Lilly looks distressed and I sigh sadly. " might not be Billy's." Lilly half-heartedly says.
"Plus he could still be alive, just missing a finger" I add hopefully. Lilly takes a calming breath and leads the way to the bathroom. Before we go in I remind them about the hall monitor. "Do either of you have cigarettes?" I ask quickly the boy nods and produces a pack. "I got them from Monty" he explains. We bribe the hall monitor and he walks off to smoke. Lilly takes out the phone, "which one's the Principle's?" She asks in a panic. I take the phone and start scanning the names. I point at one "this one." Lilly nods and takes the phone. "Ready?" I ask.
"3" the boy says
"2" I say
"1!" Lil,y shouts as presses the dial button. After a few seconds of nervous ringing, we hear the principle's voice.
"Why are you calling me," but a Lilly interrupts before he can continue.
"We have taken the janitor and teacher prisoner, if you don't come into the classroom then we'll... we'll" she pauses and I take over "We'll kill them!" I shout down the phone.
"Let them go and put your teacher on the line"
"We'll let them go if you come into the classroom!" Lilly responds bravely. The principle growls and we hear his door open as he hangs up. We hear him striding down the corridor and into the classroom. "We have to move...NOW!" The boy says, me and Lilly nod. We walk over and the boy unlocks the office door.

Me and Lilly spread out and search the room. Lilly finds a trapdoor under the rug in his room. However, we need a key. The boy has a code so we search for some kind of safe. The boy finds one under his desk. I suddenly hear the principle striding back towards his office. "Hurry!" I call in a whisper shout. The boy produces a key and we all scramble down the trapdoor and onto the ladder, I try to put the carpet back as it was. After I do, I hear Lilly gasp.

The room is giant and gloomy. There is a massive hole in the middle of the room there are also test-tubes containing monsters and... Billy! Lilly and I rush over to him, he seems to be asleep and looks slightly... different. Lilly cries slightly and I smile. The boy finds a control board. He presses a button and a light flashes on the monster to left of Billy. He then presses a red button and the monster is fed into a blender, chunks of flesh flying everywhere in the tank. I look away, the boy presses another button and the light flashes into Billy. The boy then pushes a button and Billy returns to normal. Before he can do anything else, the lights go out and when they turn back one he principle is standing there. With his gun out. Ready to shoot.

Before he can shoot us, the boy asks him how he's doing this. "Well it's all got to do with the pills. They have a different affect on each person, you know. Nugget... well it seems to fix whatever's wrong in that boys mind. And as for you two," the principle points his gun towards me and Lilly and laughs "well it seems to make you forget Billy." I grit my teeth angrily, I start to edge slowly away from him. "Well as for Billy, when combined with the slop and some of my special chemicals, it turned him into a monster. But now you little monsters have ruined my experiment!" He raises his gun. The boy pushes a button and a monster and Billy fall out of the tubes. The creature or whatever it is starts towards the principle, who tries to shoot it but it has no affect. The principle yells as his head gets blown of by the creature. The thing then ignores us and jumps down the hole in the middle of the room. Lilly rushes over to Billy who seems to be waking up, I throw my pills down the hole and join them. Lilly is hugging him really tightly. He looks confused. "Lilly? What are you doing? Where am I?" He mumbles. I grin and turn to the new boy. "Thank you... so much. I don't know to how to thank you." I hug him tightly. Then, I walk over to Billy and Lilly. "Let's go home." Lilly says Billy nods. But then I remember something.
"We still have to get through Show and Tell!" I exclaim. We leave the room and go back upstairs to the classroom.

When we walk in Nugget stands up. "Nugget's friend Billy is back! Nugget is happy!" Miss Applegate says
"You four are late... go to the principle's office!" We all look at each other nervously.
"Ummmm...." I start
"The principle kind of..." The boy says
"Blew up..." Lilly finishes. I hear a gasp and look over to see Jerome looking horrified. I suddenly feel awful. I forgot about Jerome, his dad just blew up...  "Well... I suppose we can all go home then..." Miss Applegate said. We all walk out me, the boy, Lilly and Billy pulling to the side. Billy and Lilly thank the boy vigorously and present him with a monstermon manual. And a really rare card. The boy smiles. Billy and Lilly walk home. I approach the boy. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I hug the boy again. "I'll see you tomorrow" I call excitedly. He waves looking slightly sad.

Today was amazing. I wouldn't change it for the world.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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